Sea of Whitby Geographic Location in Atryal | World Anvil
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Sea of Whitby

DISCLAIMER - The only similarity between the Sea of Whitby and the Whitby in a kingdom known as Yorkshire in the realm of Earth is only the name. Any other similarities are purely coincidental.
The only human city to ever be built on D it lasted maybe 10 years before the dam and other water reclaiming facilities broke. There is much debate on what caused them to break at the same time but the most likely theory is that it was sabotage by a group of Burgs wishing the humans to leave. The buildings there were designed to absorb and retain as much water possible but in the end they were so good it was deadly.
It had all the latest and greatest technology humans had to their disposal with hydroelectricity and a dam in what had been a desert. There was still water reclaimers and they were still relied upon but it seemed it could never return to a desert. Heralded by the greatest enemies and opposers of the idea as a "Modern Utopia" it seemed nothing could go wrong. It now appears to be mankind's biggest oversight and failure

The Fall of Whitby

  The Sea of Whitby was established as a recycling centre for scrap metal. Huge areas were converted into docks to have it shipped over and many other races used it to offload waste as well. One day however a message arrived by the Mayor's favourite Messenger Bat and when read it said the following -
"The dam burst half an hour ago, then the water reclaimers followed. We need help for they are coming."
  • Soldiers were sent to the Sea of Whitby immediately but upon arrival all they found was a deserted city, streets buried in stagnant water and not a single corpse. Blood was occasionally found staining a few walls in some areas above the water level but apart from that the flood had destroyed any clue to what had happened that fateful day.
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