NORSE Training Tradition / Ritual in Atryal | World Anvil
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NORSE Training

To become a true master many believe impossible but those who are the most skilled in the use of swords, bows and crossbows are members of an organization known as NORSE.
Most NORSE agents are trained from late childhood/early teens but new members who are adults are allowed to join if they have a good background in fighting or hunting. The training involves full contact sparring blindfolded teaching pupils to fight using other senses instead of relying solely on eyesight. As well as that they must fight an Ajka Blundergast (the dominant male) using a small dagger known as a Phalanx Blade as it is made from a single Phalanx Cat claw.

Testing Operatives

They have a method of training and testing to see if a student is allowed to transition to teacher or operative and they do this by sending them into a new environment where NORSE operatives familiar with that environment proceed to track them down. If the student in question lasts more than 6 hours after the operatives begin the chase they are allowed to become an operative. If they last 12 hours they are also allowed to be a teacher.

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