Huntsmen and Huntswomen Profession in Atlas | World Anvil
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Huntsmen and Huntswomen

Ranking higher than both police and military in terms of strength and skill, Huntsmen are licensed elite warriors tasked with demonslaying and peacekeeping.   The vast majority of Huntsmen work alone, though some do still work in the teams of four that they were assigned in their Huntsman Academies.



Huntsmen are required to have a license, which is obtained by completing a dangerous combat "exam" sanctioned by one of the many Huntsman Academies in Atlas. While true that technically anyone can participate in a Huntsman Exam, the chances of one succeeding without multiple years of rigorous training within a Huntsman Academy is incredibly unlikely.

Other Benefits

Due to the possession of a Huntsman License, Huntsmen are legally allowed to arrest civilians and carry weaponry on public transport such as transcontinental trains.   Huntsmen are typically revered by civilians, seen as heroes and the stuff of legends. They are common protagonists in works of fiction, and certain Huntsmen are world famous due to their feats gaining mass recognition.



Huntsmen and Huntswomen are seen by many as righteous warriors, committed to saving lives and ending dangers to civilization. The primary purpose of a Huntsman is to eliminate demons, though they are also seen as peacekeepers, it is not unheard of for Huntsmen to fight against mercenaries, extremists and criminals. A handful of veteran Huntsmen and Huntswomen even argue that people are a greater danger to each other than demons will ever be.

Social Status

Huntsmen are considered by many to be an essential part of society, especially to those living in large cities where demons are practically nonexistent. Many owe their peaceful lives to Huntsmen and Huntswomen, and acknowledge it.   Huntsmen and Huntswomen are often revered, seen as heroes and have their lives romanticized. The life of a Huntsman is typically full of adventure and excitement, and many who live mundane lives envy this and try to obtain as many stories out of Huntsmen as possible after meeting one.   Some Huntsmen have even been elevated to celebrity status due to their enormity of the tasks they undertook, and may be featured in multiple books, films or even advertisement for products that sponsor them.



Huntmen tend to have heavily customized equipment, suited best to their style of combat. Many Huntsmen even create their own weaponry just to create an innate sense of familiarity with it.   Huntsmen typically carry both melee weapons and firearms for killing demons and any other threats they face. Some have even gone as far as using fused weaponry such as gunblades in order to reduce weight and prevent any moments of vulnerability that may occur from switching weapons. Huntsmen typically carry large amounts of ammunition, including aurelium rounds due to their incredible potency.   Huntmen always carry their license with them, as it gives them their legal privileges such as the right to openly carry a weapon or carry out an arrest.


Some cities have State Huntsman Offices, where foreign Huntsmen can be registered and available work can be advertised. Work advertised in the State Huntsman Offices tends to be connected to the city where the office is located, or at least nearby a city with power so that the request could be uploaded to the office without issue.

Provided Services

The vast majority of Huntsmen work on a job by job basis, travelling their continent, or even the world for work wherever they can find it. These Huntsmen are typically paid most for their services, though are also the most likely to be exposed to extreme dangers and more powerful demons.   Other Huntsmen are employed by cities or transport companies to protect civilians from wandering demons. These Huntsmen serve two purposes, for their presence to instil a sense of safety into civilians in order to reduce panic which can attract demons, and to kill any demons that do threaten civilian lives. While these Huntsmen are not paid astounding amounts of money, they do have more job security than freelance Huntsmen.   The majority of Aethesian Huntsmen are in the employ of the Aethesian military. Because of this, they have excellent job security and benefits, though they do not recieve quite the same level of respect that Huntsmen that are unaffiliated with the military receive.   Some Huntsmen and Huntwomen are known to become corrupt, becoming something more akin to mercenaries than keepers of peace and demon hunters. Mercenary Huntsmen often find their weapons covered in red blood rather than smoking black ichor.

Dangers & Hazards

The job of a Huntsman is considered to be the most dangerous job in Atlas, with very few in the profession living to grow old and retire. Demons are creatures of destruction, with the sole purpose of extinguishing life, and they are rather good at fulfilling that purpose. It is estimated that 28 percent of Huntsmen die in the first three years of their career after receiving their license.   Due to their tendency to hamper with criminal activity, Huntsmen are commonly considered enemies or even targets to crime syndicates. It is not unknown for Huntsmen to be assassinated simply for trying to bring law to a lawless place.
Alternative Names
Demon Hunters
A Huntsman has full legal permission to operate within the continent where his license was granted. In order to legally operate in a foreign continent, a Huntsman must register in a State Huntsman Office in the select kingdom of his choosing. While permission can technically be denied, the essential nature of Huntsmen and Huntswomen make this almost unheard of.

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