The Church of the Twins Organization in Athena | World Anvil
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The Church of the Twins

With many followers found on the eastern coast of Athena, the Church of the Twins is a popular religion that formed out of the dark ages of Athena. As the name implies, the church is a ditheistic religion, that focuses on the Twins.

Mythology & Lore

It is said that the twins come from a far away realm, and came across the empty world of Athena. These powerful spirits settled into the core of the planet, and began to construct a great many things. They constructed the old beings whose descendants became the people of this world. They constructed great works. The twins are said to be fun-loving often depicted in art featuring dancing, carousing and even spicy stuff. 
The twins are often depicted as one masculine and one feminine, though gender has little meaning to such powerful entities as them. Their names are not to be spoken, and if the Mahbraha know their names, they do not let such information on.


Devout followers of the twins may undergo years of training to become Mahbraha, guides of faith for the religion. At the terminus of this training, Mahbraha swear a 5000 word oath, that declares them as true followers of the Twins. Amongst the tenets of faith they must follow:
  • tell no lies
  • protect the innocent
  • guide the members of the faith
  • don't be pushy
Important to the faith of the Twins, Mahbraha do not deign to speak for the gods. They are responsible for speaking the scripture and guiding people, but it would be a sin to act as a voice for the Twins. "If they should speak, we all shall hear."
A select few Mahbraha will, after many years of service to the church, be offered a position of leadership. These are called Onwin, and they are in charge of selecting new Mahbraha, navigating the texts of the Twins, and selecting new Onwin after the death of a fellow. Notably, Onwin are not considered superior than other Mahbraha; it is just a title that denotes additional responsibilities to the church.


Some members of the church have taken to forming a sect, called the "True Way of the Son", who believe that the male-presenting twin is the more powerful of the two, and that the female-presenting one is subservient to him (gross). The larger Church has rejected this ideology.
Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion

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