Loanedth Character in Athena | World Anvil
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A myconid thief, on the run from their past looking to turn over a new leaf. Possibly literally.
  It seems running is all Loanedth will ever know: turning from the Guild, and joining with a criminal organization. But their pact with The Undying will not go unfulfilled.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A tall, slim, lithe build.

Body Features

Skin is a dark green, gnarled and knotted, with purple "veins" near the upper "layer' of skin. They have dark purple vines coming out from under the back of their "Morel mushroom cap". 5'9 2 fingers and a thumb on each hand

Facial Features

No mouth, nose, ears or chin. The only "facial" feature they have are two violet orbs, embedded into their skin, peeking out from below their cap.

Identifying Characteristics

They are a dark green coloured myconid, of the Morel capped variety.

Physical quirks

Blinking is overrated, and should only be done sparingly.   Keeps various spores in their parasol, most are rapport, but some are not.

Special abilities

Great at sleight of hand, deception, and using thieves' tools.

Apparel & Accessories

Tattered dark coloured, stained loose fitting shirt and pants.

Specialized Equipment

Has no lungs, breathes through pores in skin, as such cannot be fully submerged in liquid, or in other situations where they would be required to "hold their breath" as they cannot. Can also "drown" if it is too humid.   Cannot smell, no nose.     Can be poisoned via ingesting and air.     Injests food/drink by having it touch skin and be broken down until it "feeds" into the threads that make up the mushroom. No stomach, no heart, no physical brain.     All limbs but the head can be reattached if lost, and if the "cap" is lost, it can regrow as long as there is not too much damage to the "head".

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Loanedth was kicked out of their Myconid tribe due to a misunderstanding that stemmed from being found in the wrong place at the wrong time. They ended up drifting to the free city , and without any money to their name, they found themselves in a bad place, and joined a local band of thieves.   Loanedth gained their name from thieves who left their items with them, and Loanedth gave the items back on when asked.   Loanedth ran into the bounty hunter William Grimhound after he had busted part of Loanedth's group. This lead Loanedth to think about leaving this bad side job, however, it wasn't a very pressing thought.   A year later, Loanedth's best friend, the person who took them in when they arrived at the free city, died due to a blunder in their last job.   Loanedth quit the thieves life, and started to try and better themselves, leading to them applying for the GOA position..   After a few months with the Guild, fighting with Nil-enor Ulkas and an offer from the Encarta Family , Loanedth left the Guild behind.

Gender Identity





The Myconid tribe did not have any formal education system.   And Loanedth was too poor to participate in Muli's systems.


Lived for the first 260 years as part of a circle (job).   Had a leap year, before accidentally joining a thieving ring until they left in their 268th year after the death of a friend.   In their 269th year, they joined the GOA.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Got kicked out of their birth tribe due to... reasons.   Joined the GOA.

Failures & Embarrassments

Got kicked out of their birth tribe, and was forced to live in the "above world"   Learnt that they have really bad reactions to sunlight the hard way.   Got mugged after 5 minutes of entering Muli.   Watched Loanedth's best friend die due to Loanedth's blunder.

Mental Trauma

Abandonment issues.   Dissolusioned with authority figures.

Intellectual Characteristics

Street Smart.

Morality & Philosophy

Chains are meant to be broken, people are meant to be free and those who forged them need to get broken.   Trust nobody and you will never be disappointed, betrayed, or abandoned.


Betrayal is punishable by death.

Personality Characteristics


Have enough money to live a comfortable life, see the world, and stop atrocities.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good at:
  • Thieving
  • Lying
  • Sleight of Hand
Bad at
  • Trusting people
  • Rock Paper Scissors
  • Lifting things heavier than they are (20lbs)

Likes & Dislikes

  • Street performing
  • Children
  • Fluffy things
  • Social Constructs
  • Society
  • The colour red

Vices & Personality flaws

They turn tail and run when things look bad

Personality Quirks

Blinking is weird


They are a mushroom and cannot smell, who nose.


Contacts & Relations

Underground fences and contacts from their previous job.

Family Ties


Religious Views

Gods aren't real, y'all r fake, stop being weird about this.

Social Aptitude

Not good, can read a room, but has the social grace of a flatulent elephant.


Avoids using rapport spores with outsiders and acquaintances, prefers to use them with only close friends and family unless there are other options.

Hobbies & Pets

Whittling and wood carving.


CANNOT SPEAK, HAS NO MOUTH   Uses CSL (common sign language)

Loanedth left their home, joined thieves, left thieves, only to try and become a part of the GOA

View Character Profile
True Neutral
Current Location
Myconid Coloney One
Current Residence
two glowing lilac orbs
Dark Purple vines wrapped around the base of the mushroom cap
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A dark green gnarled texture
5' 11"
20 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Signs Fuck Off in CSL
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Undercommon, Thieves' Cant, CSL

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