Free Agents of Athena Organization in Athena | World Anvil
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Free Agents of Athena

To most, the pirates and privateers that roam the waters of Athena would seem to be individuals, each making whatever selfish move it takes to ensure that they are the only one with all the gold. In truth, almost all ships abide by the rules set forth by the Pirate Lords Kenkern and Morgan. Though these rule allow for much betrayal and selfishness, it also ensures that even amongst the cruel beings on the sea,  there is a line drawn.


While individual ships may have hierarchical structures, under the code, "all who sail the sea are equal". The only exception would be a pirate who is elected lord: however no council of the Free Agents has met since the first in 487 BF.

Public Agenda

The Code, set down by the pirate lords contains many rules and rulings. Chief among them are the following.
  1. On the sea, all free agents are equal. None are given exemption from the code
  2. Those who betray the code, and those who are not bound to it, are not protected by it.
  3. An agent's word is his honour; those that betray their word are not agents
  4. Our trade is in wealth, not people; slavers are not agents
  5. Mutiny is not an act of the free agents, lest the ship vote two-thirds 'gainst the captain

The Only Law is the Code

Founding Date
Alliance, Generic

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