Firefox Species in Athena | World Anvil
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Adorable, intelligent, and fun-loving. It's a shame almost no-one returns from the Feywild, they'd make great pets.
— Feldin Bluebottle, "Creatures of the Planes"
  A creature native to the Feywild, firefoxes are naturally curious creatures. While out hunting, they can be found watching folks who have accidentally crossed over into the Feywild.


Firefoxes have a short-distance teleport, quickly travelling through fire and appearing somewhere a short distance away. This is used to escape predators, and strike prey.

Basic Information


Visually similar to foxes, with the tail trailing off into a red-orange flame. Their fur seems to ripple like flames, and their eyes have larger pupils than standard foxes: the dim light of the Feywild requires them to always have dialated pupils.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Forages for small rodentia, as well as pixies caught unawares.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Firefoxes do not go out of their way to hunt in packs, however, they are not usually opposed to working together for short periods of time. Otherwise, they will hunt on their own.

Average Intelligence

Very intelligent creatures, firefoxes can learn many words.
Average Weight
2-14 kg (4.4-30.8lbs)
Geographic Distribution

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