The Emperor's Tomb Building / Landmark in Athas | World Anvil
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The Emperor's Tomb

A Hidden Catacomb

The Tomb of Emperor Kalimaste, who seems to have been a prominent figure in Mogu society.

Purpose / Function

According to Ufudomi, slaves were ordered to build this Tomb for Emperor Kalimaste.


A Trapdoor in the roof of one corridor appears to be the only way inside.


Mogu architecture forms the bulk of this Tomb, which contains a central mechanism with branching off sections. A garden above contains highly prised foliage, as does the one built within the tomb. A section contains a sewage overspill underground dam, containing a huge dragon turtle named Ufudomi. Another section seems to contain various stone Mogu statues surrounding an coffin. Also inside is a dungeon containing a few Succubi.
0 P.S.
Alternative Names
The Emperor's Garden
Parent Location

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