Taia's Self Portrait Item in Athanya | World Anvil
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Taia's Self Portrait (TAI-ah)

Written by orphidor

One of Taia Welsyna's favorite masterpieces is one nobody else has laid eyes on aside from herself. The piece is a tall oil painting depicting Taia herself in minimal clothing, accurately portraying each of her scars and her prosthetic legs in a romantic-yet-realistic fashion. To date, she has never showed the painting to anyone else. It currently sits alone in a cabinet, covered by canvas, kept hidden yet maintained faithfully by its creator so it doesn't decay.


Taia began work on the project two years ago and finished it in under a month.


Taia experiences a great deal of angst regarding her scarred lower body and missing legs. Not only might they seem alarming to someone else were they to see them, they remind Taia of her final mishap of her adventuring career. This painting was an attempt to make herself more beautiful in her own mind. It worked to a degree; working on the project and seeing herself painted in a formal fashion has helped Taia embrace the way she looks and accept the fact that she can still view herself as beautiful even though her looks aren't particularly conventional.
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The painting was done using oils on a stretched canvas.