Hanar Species in Aternus | World Anvil
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Written by Tethrym

Perception/Wisdom: +2
Intelligence: +1


  Most hanar are lawful due to the religious influence on their society.

  Hanar are a water-based lifeform. Your base swimming speed is 30 feet.

  Can breathe both air and water.

  You can shed dim light in a 30 foot radius.
Contra-Gravitic Levitation

  When not in water, you use a contra-gravitic levitation pack to move. It provides a walking speed of 30 feet and you hover 5 feet from the ground, providing the following benefits: You are immune to becoming prone You reduce falling damage by 4d6 You ignore any penalties caused by difficult terrain.
Tentacle Bind

  When you attack a target with three or more tentacles simultaneously and hit, you can attempt to grapple the target as a bonus action. You gain a +1 bonus to your Strength (Athletics) check for each tentacle used.
  If you successfully grapple a creature with all six tentacles it becomes restrained until the grapple ends.

  You have six tentacles instead of arms that can grip tightly but can't lift anything heavier than a few kilograms. You can only wield weapons with the light property.
  In addition, your tentacles are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. You can attack with multiple tentacles simultaneously, gaining a +1 bonus to the attack roll for each additional tentacle used.
  When you hit with your tentacles, you deal 1d8 poison damage and the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for one minute. The DC of this saving throw is equal to 10 + your proficiency bonus + the number of tentacles used on this attack.
Hanar usually reach maturity around 40 years and typically live to be 180 years old.
Average Height
Due to their long tentacles, Hanar "stand" about as tall as humans.
Average Weight
Your size is Medium.
Average Length
Their bodies are around 1.5 meters long (4-5').

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