The Seneschelate Organization in Atalaya | World Anvil
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The Seneschelate

The North is a secluded nation rarely visited by outsiders. The country was decimated by the Dragon Princes during the war. Since the nation is located so far north, most people take to hunting and fishing as a means of survival instead of becoming farmers. The country has very close relations with Nalien, the kingdom of the snow elves.   The most represented people are by far the Northerners. The more uncommon folk would be dwarves and snow elves, with any other races being viewed with immediate cautiousness and distrust.


The North is ruled by two Seneschals – The Seneschal of War and the Seneschal of Culture. These are elected from the daimyo – which are the Northern equivalent of high nobles with hereditary titles. Each of the Seneschals overviews development in his specific field and only make joint decisions on the most important of matters.

Public Agenda

An isolationist nation, the Seneschals mostly attempt to dissuade any interference from those they don't view with trust. Therefore, most diplomatic relations are relatively cold, besides those with valuable trade partners, notably Nalien and Kazak-Kadar.


A land covered in snow during most of the year, people of the North take to fishing and hunting as a means of obtaining food and goods. They have access to valuable ores found within the Mist-capped Mountains.


Over the course of the Seneschalate's existence, many foreign powers attempted to stake their claim on the country's natural riches and disciplined army. The last of these great threats was the tribal association led by the Dragon Princes, with which the Seneschalate fought a long and devastating set of wars. Perhaps they would've been defeated if not for the timely intervention of the Empire and it's allies, which managed to turn the tides in favor of the human countries.
Geopolitical, Country

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