Anubite mummification Tradition / Ritual in Astronasia | World Anvil
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Anubite mummification

"The Gods shall carry your, compadre."


When a dead Chupacabra was brought to the Temple of the Anubites, the Anubites would take the body into their care. First the body was carried unto an altar in the main room where the body was lain for preparation. Then a series of small incisions would be made in the feet, knees, and elbows of the body so the body fat could be drained and smeared over the body. Then the smeared body was wrapped in cloth inscribed with prayers for the diseased. These prayers were for the diseased to read in the afterlife. Then a stone ring was placed in the anus of the body to make sure it was wide enough for the internal organs to fall out.  


Once the wrapped body was sufficiently prepared it would be taken to the downstairs to the sacred tombs. Inside of these tomb there where small stone side-rooms. Inside of these rooms the body of the diseased would be placed on a ornamental slab. Underneath these rooms was a second room with small air holes connecting the two inside of which a fire was build to smoke the bodies. Once the corpse was placed the room would be completely filled with smoke and be closed off for three month. This smoke dried out the body of the diseased Chupacabra until the fur and and skin shrivelled up and the internal organs became small enough to fall through the anus hole. The wraps around the body would also slowly become smaller and more shrivelled from the smoke until they where tightly wrapped around the contours of the body.  


After three months the rooms would be reopened and the now black and shrivelled body would be placed in a wooden sarcophagus. The sarcophagus would be dragged upstairs to the alter room and the tribe (If they managed to show up) would be allowed to pay their respects to the family member and give them funerary gifts. Then the sarcophagus would finally be closed of and placed amongst the rows of other sarcophagi in the tombs.
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