Vahn Relarius Character in Astriel | World Anvil
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Vahn Relarius

Princess Vahn of the White Rose Throne was the last person to be able to summon the sleeping isle. The Biphyx bloodline ended with her. She was assassinated for that very reason.   She is designated to be resurrected during the Festival of Life and help summon the sleeping Isle of Zon.   In her life she was a strong activist, spreading the word of Lathander throughout the White Rose Kingdom. A devout believer in the afterlife, she was seen as the face of the church for over ten years. She regularly made public appearances healing the sick and wounded. The Princess developed an intense interest in serious illnesses and health-related matters outside the purview of traditional royal involvement. She championed charities and organizations to work with the homeless, addicts, and elderly.   She taught magic and healing to those who wanted to learn. She actively was a guiding figure for those who wished to heal.   On the 19th of Eleasis, 1289, she was kidnapped and killed by a group of assassins. Her death was the catalyst for the Stone Rose War.
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
4th of Ches, 1254
Date of Death
19th of Eleasis, 1289
1254 FE 1289 FE 35 years old
Brilliant blue
Long sleek raven
Aligned Organization

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