Vampire Ethnicity in Asios | World Anvil
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Vampires have always been around since the beginning of recorded time. Vampires used to be just like humans until they were cursed little by little by the humans.


Major language groups and dialects

Modern Vampiric and Ancient Vampiric are known to all, if not most vampires.

Common Etiquette rules

Vampires are often expected to meet royal standards and practice chivalry among their kind.

Common Dress code

All Vampires wear darker colors with the exception of bright red.
Vampiric warriors are expected to wear a light harness that shows their muscular build with dark cloth pants and heavy boots. Female Nightstalkers wear very little except their corset/bra/crop-top and silk pants covered by a special cloak made from a dye only vampires can make called Abyss Black.
Casual wear among vampires varies on region but overall males wear jackets with a dress shirt underneath and leather pants. While females often wear large frilled dresses and masculine wear as well.

Art & Architecture

Vampires build structures often out of stone bricks and tend to follow a castle like appearance. Interiors are often dimly lit with few windows and with wooden furniture and stone furniture in more prestigious establishments.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

All firstborns are bathed in the unholy waters of the void to symbolize their unholiness and devotion to the underworld Gods.

Coming of Age Rites

At the age of 14 the child must prove themselves in combat against another vampire who is acting in the same trial. It is not to the death but to the breaking point or surrender. The winner has a reserved spot in the Vampiric army when they are fully of age. The loser becomes a commoner Vampire.
At the age of 18 all vampires have to perform their first hunt. A beast, dwarf, elf or even a human can be a target. The Vampire coming of age must stealthily steal the blood of the victim if they are female, or if they are male rip the blood from the target like a real warrior.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Vampires cast the bodies of the fallen into the void to serve the Ruler of the Underworld for eternity and serve their army for the day of the dead.

Common Taboos

Vampires frown upon human/Vampire relations but will not kill over it. Vampires do however despise Elf/Vampire relations as the Elves prefer purity among their race. Vampires also cast out those who worship other Gods/Goddesses. Vampires send others to exile if they feed off of other Vampires. Humans are never kept as livestock, such action is punishable by Dungeon.

Common Myths and Legends

There is an old Vampiric Legend of origin that Vampires are hybrids of Gargoyles. Most Vampires refute the fact and belive that Vampires are just demon/human hybrids.

Historical figures

  • Queen Philomena who commanded and ruled over the vampires during the Vampire wars
  • Kier youngest of Philomena who found a way to enhance the transformation of the Vampires. Many Vampires protested Philomena to release the information but were quickly silenced by the Nighstalker Scout Regiment.


Beauty Ideals

Males to be muscular with pale-blue skin and long white hair and crimson eyes.   Females must have a large breasts and a wide waist with pale-blue skin and white hair with crimson eyes.

Gender Ideals

Males and Females must wield the strength and fighting power to protect their race. Female sare expected to be better Nightstalkers rather than soldiers.

Courtship Ideals

Vampires don't marry very often but when they do they marry in a similar fashion as humans do but in place of rings the 2 partners drink out of a blood chalice.

Relationship Ideals

Most Vampires invision relationships that last forever and to be happy with their partner while drinking blood from a gilded grail.

Major organizations

Related Organizations
Related Myths

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