Magecrafters in Ashblood | World Anvil
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General Information



  Crafters are a cast of Mages who specialize in "passive" magic. Their origins are as shrouded in as much mystery as the very origins of the Mages as a race are, and different sources will often differ in their interpretation.    The most widely accepted take is that the Crafters were simply Weavers who held more interest in how magic worked and pushing the limits. Essentially, ancient Mages who dedicated their lives to researching and finding new ways to use magic were the first "Crafters". Over time, these Crafters stopped trying to actively channel their magic and used mediums as it was safer and easier to control the types of spells they were using, and, eventually, they lost the ability to actively channel magic altogether.    


  Traditions for Crafters tend to lean closer to rites of passage for apprentices. There are certain skills that any Crafter should be able to perform, though they do tend to specialize based on who they learn from. Some of these"rites" include: giving yourself at least one usable runic tattoo, adding ornaments to at least one object, and successfully casting a durable ward. Enchanting is not included in the former list because only certain Crafters practice enchantment as the art takes both time and extensive training and experience to pull off, things that students studying other facets of Crafting are unable to contribute.   

Notable Magecrafters

  [To be updated at a later date]




  Magecrafters are the researchers and artisans of the magic world. Their magic works in a "passive" manner by requiring a pre-written/determined and outside pathway to affect the world. Alchemy (potion-making), warding, enchanting, spell-development, and rune-casting all fall under Magecraft.   Spells are cast in a more ritualistic manner and take more time to cast (spells and skills in dnd that have to be done over a short/long rest). This does not mean that they are any less powerful. Without Crafters, there would be no light besides inefficient candles and oil lamps after dark nor would there be lifts, wards, and any of the other advancements that improve the quality of life for all people.   


  Runes are the main way in which Crafters channel their magic. Whether it's through runic circles for warding and enchanting, engraved, written, or woven runes on equipment to add certain effects, or runic tattoos for quick casting, runes are an essential thing for all Crafters to have extensive knowledge about.   


  Runic tattoos are a staple of Crafters and Casters alike. They are an easy way for Crafters to get around needing a medium to cast with (a circle or runes drawn on paper, for instance) as the runes use the skin as a medium and the rune as the structure necessary for casting.    Common spells include ones that put up weak wards, create magelights, generate sparks, and other useful small spells. Some Crafters with limited ability to Cast will have a few offensive spells just in case.    There are Crafters who specialize in runic tattoos, and they usually find careers at various Mage guilds and colleges doing tattoos for Casters. However, the vast majority of Crafters do their own tattoos, and the practice is considered a rite of passage.   


  After tattoos, runes are most commonly used to enchant items by engraving or sewing the runes onto items. Unlike the creation of actual magic items, runic ornamentation does not actually imbue an object with a spell (bottomless bags, staves, magelight lamps, etc). Instead, they are used to cast and tie minor spells to objects. For example, a Crafter might engrave runes that improve the durability of a sword or cause it to cut deeper than it would normally. Or runes sewn into robes might not collect dirt as easily or boots might not make as much sound as they hit the ground.   The main advantage of ornamentation, as opposed to actual enchantment, is that they can be adjusted and altered at will. Enchantments are done with a circle in a ritual that can sometimes last hours. And, once the enchantment is cast, it cannot be altered other than recharging the spell. So, the Caster needs to be completely sure of their accuracy in drawing the runes and the wishes of the object's owner so avoid any unwanted effects. With ornamentation, the effects of the runes can be adjusted at any time by changing the runes. Depending on the object, the process can take just as much time, but the time can be broken up instead of having to complete the process in one go.   


  Magecrafters require a pathway outside of their body to channel their magic. For example, they can cast offensive spells like Casters so long as they have a circle handy or a runic tattoo for the spell to channel their magic through. Thus, it's easier to render a Magecrafter unable to cast than a Caster; take away any medium for them to use to cast, and they are unable to access magic.    Many Crafters are also unable to cast "active" magic, regulating them to a support position on the battlefield unless they wish to undergo training in more mundane methods of self-protection.   Any spell of a large magnitude requires both time and energy for a Crafter to cast, leaving them unable to cast a large number of spells for the same amount of magic that a Caster would have.

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