The Church of Alyna Organization in Asgoroth | World Anvil
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The Church of Alyna

An eagle, I was. My wings beating against the dark sky above us. A voice, the sun, drew me north. Calling to me. I went and flew. The clouds trembled with terrible might. Many feathers, I lost. But there, beyond the turmoil, she showed me. A land, green and lush. Fields and forests. Rivers and mountains. The sun grew brighter. It was the goddess. She was the sun. She threw a mighty spear into the ground below, bathing everything in a glorious light. That was when I knew that that was our promised land.
~The Prophecy of Apollina, Liber Lux


At the top of the religion is the High Beacon. They not only serve as the head of the religion but they also are an advisor to the emperor. They oversee every sect of the religion and paladanic creed. They have near absolute authority but they are kept in check by the Council of Nobles, Inquisition, the emperor, and the people to a lesser extent. The High Beacon is meant to be focused on protecting the Church, indoctrinating more people into the religion, and divining whatever words they can from Alyna, the Goddess of Light and Order.

Under the High Beacon are two groups. The Seers, which are the personal advisors to the High Beacon and the Council of Commons, where each sect and paladanic creed sends a representative chosen by their respective leader. Each representative is considered equal in importance to the others. They congregate in the Luenare every six months to discuss what should be General Church Doctrines, doctrines in which all the sects have to follow. These decisions are then seen by the Hig Beacon and approved by them. The ruling then moves to the Grand Council in Augsburg, where the emperor, Grand Inquisitor, and Council of Nobles overview the decision and ensure it doesn't overstep the Church's authority.

Next comes the Master Paladins and Arch Bishops. Master Paladins are the head of their respective creed, and an Arch Bishop is the head of their respective sect. They oversee their section of the religion and make sure the General Church Doctrine is enforced along with their own beliefs and ideas about the religion. Master Paladins protect the area they are given control over, pick what quests are allowed for their paladins, and must always make sure they and their paladins are combat-ready. The Arch Bishops have a very similar job, except that they are more focused on civilian affairs, like increasing the general hygiene, insuring crops are growing and increasing the revenue of the region. Master Paladins and Arch Bishops are chosen directly by the High Beacon.

After that, the hierarchy becomes less similar between the different creeds and sects. The creeds usually install some sort of military structure while the sects are more democratic in their structuring.

Public Agenda

The Church claims to only want peace for their followers. They also claim to want to bring glory to their goddess and purge any all they think tarnishes the light of Alyna.


With the paladanic creeds, the Church as a sizeable amount of military presence in Endol. However, they aren't allowed to rival the actual military of The Great and Holy Empire of Endolia, but some say that they already do. Many of the creeds also hold forts in some strategic areas of Endol. The Church also has a steady income for commissioning shrines, idols, and other religious pieces of art.

Mythology & Lore

  • The Creation of the World - In this myth, Alyna creates the universe in a few days and how Dorchadas tries and fails to stop her
  • The Creation of People and the First Sin - In this myth, Alyna creates humans and all the animals; however, Dorchadas seduces and tricks some other to give birth to other, unholy abominations
  • The Sacrifice of King Scanderbag Albion Wilhelm "the Martyr" - In this myth, the ancient king, Scanderbag, goes through many trials and becomes a martyr in the eyes of Alyna, during the First Demonic Invasion
  • Ballads of the Angels - A series of short poems that detail the existence of some of the angels of Alyna
  • The Prophets - A series of stories dating back to the time when the Alynites were still in the ancient kingdoms of Seramani and the prophets that led the Alynites to Endol

Divine Origins

Alynites came from the Mespatom area, far south of Endol. They were originally part of a larger, Seramani, polytheistic religion, in which Alyna was known as Ai'na. In that pantheon, she was viewed as a violent desert god who would burn the wicked and hunt down those who were committed adultery. This cult was small and secluded from the rest of the pantheon, as the cult was ruled by matriarchy and the rest of the pantheon was mostly patriarchal. However, this cult did have a martial doctrine and the priest would learn some form of ancient combat, usually something with a spear.

At one point, a scandal occurred with the rest of the religion that saw its fall and the rise in popularity of the Cult of Ai'na. Before the cult could establish itself fully in the public view, the current ruler banished the cult from Mespatom. The Cult of Ai'na took a large following and left, heading north into what would be called Endol

The cult was very mad at the pantheon in Mespatom, and so they declared Ai'na as the one true God and every other god as a heretic. This had a mixed reception among the followers of Ai'na, who's name was changed to Alyna at this point. Some were all for the idea as they also had the same hate for their old home; others were not so pleased as they still believed in their old gods, they just thought that the current system of the Seramani religion was corrupt. However, around this same time, a woman was given a vision from Alyna and told to find the land that would be known as Endol. This woman was known as Apollina of the First Light.

So the cult made a pilgrimage northwards, indoctrinating people and also slowly losing some along the way. Some of the cult had splint into different sects that all argued about Apollina's visions. They all believed her, but her visions also talked about how much danger they would encounter in this new home. So they tried suggesting other places, rather than allowing Apollina to decide. One of these sect leaders was a man named Norter the Umber, who had come to regret ever following the cult this far north. When they reached the outskirts of Endol, Apollina declared that they had made it. Many rejoiced and began making plans for a village. Even Norter and his followers seemed content.

These early Alynites brought over the martial and orderly foundations of Alynism. They also brought over Alyna's association with the sun and her control over Light. But the development of angels, sin, and holy purposes like crusades would come much later in the history of the Church.

Cosmological Views

For the Alynites, Alyna created this world and specifically created Endol for her faithful. It is said that in the beginning there was nothing but one being. This being was called Nihil, and it comprised the entire universe. However, Nihil couldn't contain itself so it split off a part of itself and created Omnia. Omnia then began creating other smaller things to fill up the universe. At first, Nihil was fine with this but as Omnia created more and more things Nihil tried to tell Omnia to stop. Omnia told Nihil that it had to create things because Nihil had neglected its duty as the first god.

This angered Nihil and so he attacked Omnia, destroying as many creations of Omnia as possible. Omnia, after using so much energy to create the universe, was greatly weakened and spent the last of their energy creating an heir. And so Alyna was born to defend and organize the universe. She defeated Nihil and sent them to the edge of creation. She then organized the world and universe in four days. On the first day, she made the heavens and created a pit to damn Nihil in for all eternity. On the second day, she created land and seas. On the third, she created all the plants and animals. And finally, on the fourth, she created perfect humans. However, Nihil, in their dying state, had also created an heir. And so Dorchadas was created to corrupt and destroy all that Alyna made.

This creation myth is used to explain why people sin and to also justify why people should follow Alyna. It is not human nature which makes people sin, it is the corrupting force of Dorchadas and their malformed creations that are the reason for sin. It also sets up a precedent that the sky represents goodness and holiness, while the earth represents evil and wickedness.

Tenets of Faith

Each sect and creed of the religion has its own set versions of how to view the teachings of Alyna, usually based on a specific angel or saint. This can vary widely and be very specific, for instance, the Creed of Scanderbag is a creed only in the Teuntenkan areas of the empire. They preach the ideals of chivalry and nobility spoused by the Ancient Mygroshin King Scanderbag and their paladins are well known for their prowess as cavalrymen. However, the Sect of Melior is about humanitarianism and trying to better yourself as much as possible.

In the end, though, each sect and creed must follow the General Church Doctrine, which is:
  • Pray at least once a day, in some way that won't endanger yourself
  • Respect those above you, less they come down with righteous fury
  • Those in power should respect the commonfolk, less they be righteously disposed of their office
  • Help the community, or be ousted from friends and family
  • Those that threaten the Church and the will of the goddess are heretics and they shall all be burnt at the stake
  • Magic is a gift from the goddess and should be used wisely
  • The High Beacon is the earthly epithet of the goddess and should be treated as such
  • The line of Gaius Liberalis will be respected


For many people, following the Church usually results in contentment in their daily lives. Many priests preach about how everyone must help their community because that is the will of the goddess This means one can feel pious while even the most menial of tasks like tending to their farms or spinning some clothing. Though depending upon the sect or creed in the area, complacency could be scrutinized or even condemn. This puts constant pressure on the faithful to always be improving even themselves or the area around them, and if they don't they might be considered sinful.

An unspoken sin would be speaking out publically against the Church. No sect or creed has a doctrine that dictates that no one can scrutinize the Church; however, most don't do it without just cause. This is because many small myths told in local circles speak about the wrath of Alyna and how it is unwise to try and tempt it.


Worship can be done in many different ways. The classic way is to go to church, sit in a pew, clasp your hands together, and speak words of prayer in silence. People can also do this while standing and with one hand. You just put your hand in front of your heart, point your middle and pointer finger up towards the sky, and in your other hand is usually a symbol or icon of Alyna.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The main influence the Church has on Endolian politics is the High Beacon themself. As a direct advisor to the Emperor, the High Beacon can make suggestions and vote on imperial laws. Also, due to the nature of the Paladanic Creeds, the Church owns some provinces in the Empire. n


Sects are parts of the religion that don't manage any sort of military force. They can't own whole provinces; they are restricted to their churches and monasteries
  • The Sect of Melior - Dedicated to the philosophy of the Angel of Goodness, they are one of kindest sects
  • The Sect of Saint Magdeline - A subsect of The Sect of Melior, people of this sect are well known for helping mothers through pregnancy and setting up public nurseries.
  • The Sect of Rex - Dedicated to the Angel of Kings, people of this sect focus on keeping the stability of the empire, serving as advisors to the kings and emperor of the Empire
  • The Sect of Apollo - Dedicated to the Angel of Art, they mainly worship Alyna through art and iconic worship. Their priest are usually commissioned for both religious and secular designs.
  • ...
  •   Paladanic Creeds are groups of paladins and priests who have won enough prestige and favors throughout the Empire to own either a province. They are almost always martial in practice, though some deal with espionage.
    • Creed of Bellius - Dedicated to the doctrine of the Angel of War, these paladins are the most active of the Creeds. They constantly train and are commonly found employed as quartermasters and lieutenants in armies.
    • Creed pf Scanderbag - A splinter cell of the Creed of Bellius that broke off some hundred years ago, they subscribe to the chivalric code of the Ancient Mygroshan King, Scanderbag
    • Creed of Soth - Dedicated to the Angel of Shadow, these paladins are rarely seen. They are very enigmatic and have been known to produce the best spies and assassins for the empire. It is unknown as to who the Grand Master of the Creed, except to the emperor, Grand Inquisitor, and High Beacon.
    • Creed of Saint Octavius - A Creed founded and perpetuated by Saint Octavius and his descendants, these paladins are also commonly found among the military of the Empire. They are more involved in bettering the tactics of war and ensuring some sort of military tact is upheld.
    • ...

    In Luce, confidemus

    Religious, Organised Religion
    Alternative Names
    The Church
    Permeated Organizations
    Related Ethnicities

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