Soul Coin Economy in Aryn | World Anvil
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Soul Coin Economy

When a mortal is born, a blank coin comes into existence at the celestial mint. This mint is in the basement of the Soul Coin Casino. At the casino, gods can bet their coins to gain blank coins and win the allegiance of more people. If a god loses a coin then the mortal whose soul is tied to that coin, will lose their faith and become agnostic, unless it is possessed by another god.   Casino was built as a scheme from the Bottecilli’s to amass soul coins for themselves. The soul coin system quickly became corrupt and the distribution of wealth became lopsided. Gods have a soul license that makes them a god. Mortals that possess soul coins can use this to add to their power and can essentialy become demigods.   Gods trade and spend coins for favours or sport. A god can spend their coins to create a holy artifact or site. This destroys the coin and kills the mortals, often in a large calamity event. It is possible for coins to become more valuable through heroic deeds or amassing a large group of followers.   There are quarterly celestial evaluations where gods can either gain new coins or to make their coins more valuable based on their market shares. (current number of coins)   On Aryn this will look like either; a baby baptism where a new minted coin is transferred to a god, or when an older person has a decisive commitment of faith that will not only send your soul coin to the desired god, but also increases the value.   As there are rich and powerful gods, there are also those who squander the little they have, either through immediate gratification or through neglect. These gods typicalls reside in a ghetto area of the celestial realm. Will often beg and pan handle, and are known as "beggar gods".  

Soul Coin Value:

Major life events can make your coin more valuable. Religious leader who converts others to the god will amass more power with said god. A coin becomes more valuable when there is a pledge and through heroic deeds.

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