Prowlers Organization in Arunia | World Anvil
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The Prowlers are warriors trained in espionage who carry out the illicit whims of their respective lords. They abide by the Code of the Chain, which commands loyalty to the lord above all else, followed by loyalty to the teacher. For this reason, Prowlers are fiercely devoted to their respective lords and teachers, placing their loyalty above even personal relationships and goals. To break the Code and disobey is to face certain exile and the wrath of other Prowlers. There are few who survive such a betrayal.


The Prowlers have somewhat of a unique recruitment strategy. Each lord has an undisclosed method of identifying potential candidates while they are children. When they turn of age, soldiers are sent to collect them and they are brought to the lord’s palace with little to no explanation. They then undergo vigorous and punishing training, usually led by a lord’s head Prowler. This is notorious for being severe and cruel, with many mentors choosing to inflict physical harm on students who do not reach perfection in their techniques. It is custom for Prowlers to receive a new name from their peers. This name is that of an animal that the specific Prowler embodies; this may be through physical appearance or personality. They then proceed to serve their lord for as long as they are physically able, infiltrating the castles of other lords and performing other illicit deeds demanded of them.
Military, Intelligence

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