Merrelwyn Character in Arunia | World Anvil
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Lady Merrelwyn

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Merrelwyn was raised in a small community of wood elves tucked into the heart of the woods surrounding Empala. She ventured into the capital to train in magic in the Royal College of Arcane Arts. The faculty was very hesitant to accept her, mainly because of her perceived lower status. However, she proved to be very persistent and showed great arcane potential. She was eventually accepted to study wizadry and graduated top of her class. She then returned to spread her new knowledge to her wood elf community. She did not return to the capital until she was approached by Jonad during the formation of the Commoner's Revolt. She accompanied him to negotiate with the Mage's Guild and played a critical part in convincing them in allying themselves with him, and hence winning the war. Since the war, she has taken to studying druidcraft and has been made one of Jonad's chief advisors. She was also recently named the headmaster of the Royal College of Arcane Arts and has since built a druid's wing of the college and has started an initiative to grant scholarships to students of lower income.


Royal Empala College of Arcane Arts, wizadry and druidcraft.
Current Location
Current Residence
The Shining Citadel
Long, brown

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