Lord Montgomery Cunningham (sr) Character in Arunia | World Anvil
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Lord Montgomery Cunningham (sr)

Lord Montgomery Cunningham

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Cunningham family has been noble for almost as long as anyone can remember. He was forced into hiding as a boy during the Great War, but re-emerged during King Jonad's reign. With his knowledge of other nobles and political power, he quickly worked his way through the king's court, eventually being appointed as one of his chief advisors. He currently resides at the Shining Citadel, where he fulfils his duties to the court.


He was educated at the Royal Empala College of Arcane Arts, though rumour has it that he failed his exams and bribed his way through the course. The Mages' Guild denies the claims.

Personality Characteristics


Money and social status.


Family Ties

Though his wife has long since passed away, he dotes on his son Lord Montgomery Cunningham (Jr).

Wealth & Financial state

The Cunningham family is one of the wealthiest in the kingdom, and it is estimated that they own 35% of all businesses in Empala- a figure that is continuing to rise.
Current Location
Current Residence
The Shining Citadel
Curled, mousy brown

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