King Jonad Character in Arunia | World Anvil
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King Jonad


Mental characteristics

Personal history

King Jonad came from very humble origins. Originally the son of a farmer, he was born in the midst of the Great War. As a boy, he learned to fight in order to defend his village. As a young man, he signed up to and quickly rose through the ranks if the Commoner's Revolt, a movement that sought to unite the common people in the name of ending the war. A combination of his charisma and martial prowess led to him being named the leader of the organisation at the age of only 18. Under his guide, the organisation continued to grow and flourish, culminating in him meeting with the Mage's Guild. Though initially hesitant, they were eventually convinced to ally themselves with him. Their combined might proved to be effective, beating all the odds to vanquish the lich Komodraxus and reclaim the kingdom. As a reward for his bravery, Jonad was named king and his since reigned over Arunia.

Personality Characteristics


Since a young age, Jonad has been motivated by his desire to protect and serve the people of the kingdom.

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