Clauwood Organization in Arunia | World Anvil
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Clauwood is a group of self-proclaimed vigilants, led by a troglodyte known as Lakrapa. They have no official rankings beside following her lead, but each member gains a certain amount of respect based on how long they have been within the group and their relative success in excursions.

Public Agenda

Clauwood is almost exclusively comprised by the downtrodden and the vindicated. Many from the monstrous races, or those looked down upon by others in society, join Clauwood to find companionship, security and vengeance. The group pillage settlements and travelers in the name of Malar, and to seek resources to fund their camp. Their main reason, more often than not, was to hunt down those who they saw as living unjustly privileged lives and to end such luxuries.


Clauwood started as a small settlement consisting of followers of Malar. They set up camp along the road stretching from Empala to Stormcrest, and began pillaging any merchants or travelers passing by. They extended this to local woodland settlements, eventually creating a name for themselves as merciless vigilantes.   One attack of note would be that on a Firbolg village tucked within the woods, not too far from Empala. Had it not been for the intervention of the village protectors, the village would likely no longer be standing to this day.   Some say Clauwood are looking to increase their reach, sending scouts to cities such as Empala in search for new recruits and opportunities.

Mythology & Lore

Malar is the deity of the hunt and bloodlust. He descended to the material plane from Bytopia and carved a path of destruction, closely followed by Silvanus. By the time he was caught, many mortals had joined in the hunt and became his first followers, continuing to hunt the weak and lame. A particular group is said to have made camp on Bandit's Pass, where Malar supposedly began the first hunt, and formed the group known today as Clauwood.   The members of Clauwood can therefore be identified by a small wooden medallion with a four-fingered claw, the mark of Malar.
Illicit, Gang

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