Emil Akkar Character in Arkthan | World Anvil
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Emil Akkar

(a.k.a. General Akkar)

Personality Characteristics


He serves his superior. Having had the life of the millitary ingrained from a young age he still acts as the good soldier. Orders are orders and war is unforgiving.

Virtues & Personality perks

Honourable to a fault. That honour however, is beholden to the office he holds.


Religious Views

Gods laws are to be followed. A soldier obeys his commander and who holds the highest office if not that of the divine. A priest is but a captain. We all know captains get too big for their boots.


Spoken with a Southern drawl he is calm to speak if not one partial to flowery language.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
General of the Denburish State
Aligned Organization

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