Aridol The Birth of the Pantheon
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The Birth of the Pantheon

Life, Supernatural

75,000 BC

Aeos creates his children.

Aeos was worried that the Primordials would find his creation and take it from him, so he took a piece of himself and split it in half, bringing into being two deities to watch over his world; Lux the goddess of Light, and her twin brother Tenebris the god of Darkness. The twins took turns guarding what their father had wrought, protecting it from the threat of the Primordials. Aeos looked upon what he had created and, feeling satisfied with its safety, decided to rest. After a time the need to create grew within the siblings, a trait passed down from their father. The brother and sister each pulled forth from themselves a piece of their head, heart, and lungs and brought into being their children. From Lux came Adhoron the god of Knowledge, Elendel the goddess of Nature, and Illyrie the goddess of Life. From Tenebris came Praxia the goddess of Trickery, Craven the god of War, and Ammael the god of Death. Each of the twin’s children split themselves as well, creating children of their own, and thus the pantheon came to be.

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