Crowned Orb of Vanunspar Item in Aremas | World Anvil
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Crowned Orb of Vanunspar

This item is an artifact allowing to see the past of a person that has already used the artifact to see the past. By using it, the users become linked to the artifact, allowing any new users to see the past of another user, if they are close enough. However, this artifact doesn't seem to work for everyone. Maybe it has a consciousness of its own..?

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The artifact is constitued of a purple orb and a golden crown like structure hovering around it. The orb contains the major part of the magic properties, it allows past seeing. As for the golden crown, it serves as a sort of storage area. It contains all the memories of those that have already used the artifact. The orb just decides which memories it wants to share.

Do note that the orb can only share memories of someone if that same person is close, no matter dead or alive. Indeed the golden crown needs to resonate with the memories host's body.


This item was probably crafted by the god of magic, in an attempt to show his powers. However, he did not expect the artifact to gain properties on its own.
It was then gifted to the holy priest of Vanunspar. He was the first one to use it, showing the past of this world. Then, it was given to each new grand priest of Vanunspar. However, after the fall of the civilization of Vanunspar, the artifact was lost in the ruins, to be found thousands of years later by two explorers...


This artifact was the pride of the great temple of Vanunspar, showing the superioty of their god of magic. However, the uses that the church did with the artifact were pretty limited. Indeed, only the great priest were allowed to use it. So the artifact only showed memories of ancient priests. This artifact was more of a symbol than a real useful tool. However, nowadays, some people might find a use for it...
Item type
Creation Date
During the growth of Vanunspar.
Current Location
Current Holder
Owning Organization
This is a unique artifact, there only exists one. Therefore, it is extremly rare.
50 x 50 cm

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