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Voluntary Displacement

The one thing that I fear the most when sending out the Explorers on their missions without knowing if they'll ever return...


Once the first re-activation of the displacement curse showed up, the Terris Burg City Council and the Explorer's Guild devoted as much time and resources as they could muster to find a way to control the activation of the curse.

Once the researchers tested what was happening during the re-activation, they were able to figure out a vibrational enchantment that can "tickle" the multi-dimensional disconnection, and cause the wearer to transport back to Terris Burg.


It's a simple enchantment that is applied to an item, usually a ring or bracelet. Simply touching an area and thinking of Terris Burg will casue the dispalcement to occure.

Otherwise it will detect when you are unconcious, and has an 80% chance of activating on it's own, and pulling your body back to the House of Worship where clerics can tend to your wounds.
Parent Technologies
The combined efforts and research of the Preservation of Elvin Wisdom , and the many Magic Users who assisted them all deserve credit for this achivement.
Access & Availability
This is only available to Explorers. There may be items imbusned with the enchantment at a later date.
The complexity of activating the displacement curse is quite vast. The goal is to create an item to supress the curse, that will allow people to move back home to their orignila dimensions, and as long as they are wearing the item, they will not have to fear being pulled back to Ard'Vanwa.
After the portal connected to Mystara, the first involentary displacement occured within the first hour of the first mission.

This was disconserning to most, but some saw an opportunity and began researching the affects, and attempted to reproduce it... with some mixed results.

The first experements to trigger the displacement curse went wry, and test subjects ended up in various places all over the island.

It took more research and refining to get an 80% success rate of having someone activating their displacement curse, will land inside the walls of Terris Burg... somewhere.

With this level of accuracy, the city councel allowed the enchantment to be placed inside the Explorer's Guild Signet Ring, with an additional enchantment to activate it should the wearer fall unconcious

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