Scion Sample Builds Document in Arda | World Anvil
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Scion Sample Builds

To better illustrate how the scion class comes together, I prepared two examples of characters made using the scion class, and how they were built.

Table of Contents

Example One: Sir Mordred

  According to legend, Mordred is the illegitimate son between the union of the legendary King Arthur and the powerful sorceress, Morgan le Fay. Steeped in destiny and magic since his birth, he was raised as a political tool by his mother, and never officially recognized by his father, he joins the Knights of the Round Table. Largely portrayed as villainous knight, he is snubbed for his lack of chivalry and his connections to the sorceress and her dark powers. After seeing the people of Britain suffer hardship under King Arthur's endless wars, he leads a revolt against the king. In the end, Mordred and King Arthur mortally wound each other.   Male Human Scion (Champion) 5   CN Medium humanoid (human)   Build
Factor Selected Value Factor at Level 5 Priority Point Cost
Health / level 1d10 5d10 + (Con mod x5) 3
Base Attack Bonus 1 +5 4
Spellcasting 1/4 (arcane, prepared) 1 - 1st level spell 2
Saves Fort (High), Ref & Will (Low) Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1 8
Armor Proficiency Medium Medium 2
Weapon Proficiency Martial Martial 3
Skills ranks / level 2+Int 10 + (Int mod x5) 1
Number of Class Skills 10 10 1
Starting Wealth 5d6 5d6 4
Total: 28

Feature Value at Time of Selection Value at 5th Level
Challenge (Major) Challenge 1/day Challenge 2/day
Hexes (Minor) 1 hex (Misfortune) 2 hexes (Misfortune, Ward)
Arcane Pool As per ability As per ability
Sneak Attack (Minor) (Gained at 5th level) +1d6 +1d6

Example 2: Aldoreth

  Fleeing the destruction of the temple of the sun god Pelor during the civil war in his homeland, a young healer traveled the world in search of safe refuge. After witnessing the needless deaths of many, he committed himself to pacifism. Kind, endlessly optimistic, and often clumsy, he supports his allies through his prayers, hymns, and healing. Along the way, he found friends and allies he could rely on - and his new home.   Male Half-Elf Scion (Sage) 10   NG Medium humanoid (human)(elf)   Build
Factor Selected Value Factor at Level 10 Priority Point Cost
Health / level 1d8 10d8 + (Con mod x10) 2
Base Attack Bonus 1/2 +5 1
Spellcasting 1 (Divine, prepared, has orisons) See Table: Scion Full-Caster Spells Per Day 10
Saves Will + Fort (High), Ref (Low) Will +4, Ref +1, Will +4 8
Armor Proficiency Medium Medium 2
Weapon Proficiency Simple Simple 1
Skill ranks / level 4+Int 40+(Int mod x10) 2
Number of Class Skills 10+Knowledges 10+Knowledges 3
Starting Wealth 3d6 3d6 2
Has a benefactor (Pelor) -3
Stays 1 alignment step of benefactor -2
Total: 28

Feature Value at Time of Selection Value at 10th level
Channel Energy (Major) Channel energy +1d6 - 3+Cha mod uses Channel energy +5d6 - 3+Cha mod uses
Bardic Performance (Minor) Inspire Courage +1 - 3+Cha Mod rounds Inspire Courage +2 - 23+Cha mod rounds
Domain Domain - Healing (Rebuke Death) Domain - Healing (Rebuke Death, Healer's Blessing)
Bardic Knowledge (Gained at 5th level) As per ability As per ability
Argent Performance (Gained at 10th level) As per ability As per ability - Dramaturgical Flourishes (Ultimate Courage, Masterpiece -"The Lullaby of Ember the Ancient")


See Also

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