Nestorian Ethnicity in Arda | World Anvil
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The melting pot of the Eastern and Western continent

Nestoria, as many scholars would popularly describe it, is the land where east meets west. It is a wide and diverse land in terms of not only geography, but also for peoples and cultures as well. The lands of Nestoria are home to vast deserts, steppes, and plains that are populated by large trade cities and roads that crisscross all throughout the Eastern Continent and Western Continent. The people of Nestoria are proudly independent, with each major trade city a part of the larger federation that makes up a united Nestoria.   The people of Nestoria love and cherish the openness and freedom their land provides. They are largely split between two major groups; the nomads who live upon the open plains and steppes, or merchants who live in the great trade cities of Nestoria. Each have their own roles in the greater patchwork of Nestoria. Regardless of their ancestry or background, both love travel and the open road. Each see the opportunity and hope that lies at their journey's end.   Nestoria is one of the most diverse nations in all Arda, with only a narrow majority of men, but also having large minorities of kobolds, elves, and orcs. Being a nation at the crossroads of many others, Nestoria is home to one of the largest populations of mixed ancestries as well, and some flee here where their love and freedom may had been rejected in the other nations of Arda. As a result, many cultures and religions are prevalent, with new ideas and knowledge swapped like the many trade goods they exchange from one border to the next.   Adventurers: Adventuring is a common pastime in Nestoria, though the concept of adventuring is different to each Nestorian. For many, their concept of adventure is a hodgepodge of travel, trade, meeting new people and learning new things. For many Nestorians traveling abroad, the work of solving problems or even fighting is but one of many aspects of their life-long journeys. Thus, most Nestorian adventurers are of classes that are versatile and can adapt their talents to a wide array of uses, such as alchemists, clerics, rangers, or rogues.   For more information about Nestorians, see their main article here: Nestoria    
A Nestorian ranger patrols the steppes.

Table of Contents

Standard Ancestry Traits

  Ability Score Modifiers: The Nestorians are known for their skill in negotiation and trade, and their long travels often come with the added benefit of building stamina and skill, but they are carefree and rarely exert themselves outside trade. They gain +2 Charisma, +2 Constitution or +2 Dexterity, and -2 Strength.
Base Speed: Nestorians have a base speed of 40 feet. (See Fleet below)
Languages: Nestorians begin play speaking Romanoran Common. Nestorians with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Sylvan or Shadowspeak). See the Language in the Dragon's Domain page for more information about these languages.

Defense Ancestry Traits

Luck of the Road: Many Nestorians are travelers, merchants, and nomads whose experience and grounding grant a +1 ancestry bonus on all saving throws.
Fleet: Nestorians love to travel, and quickly travel from one place to the next. They gain a +10 foot bonus to their base speed.

Feat and Skill Ancestry Traits

Traveler's Talent: Many Nestorians are proud of the skills and tricks they've learned in their travels. They gain Skill Focus as a bonus feat.

Senses Ancestry Traits

Elven Eyes: Most Nestorians are the descendants of elven nomads, and can see twice as far as an ancestry with normal vision in conditions of dim light.

Other Ancestry Traits

Elf Blood: Nestorians count as elves (as well as any other chosen) for any effect related to ancestry.
Multitalented: Nestorians can rarely pick between two good options, and thus choose two favored classes at first level and gain +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever they take a level in either one of those classes.  
Nestroian merchants with their distinct and colorful merchant caravans.

RP Calculation

In order to keep potential new ancestries balanced, I used a "race point" calculator in an effort to create equitable ancestries. For comparison, a non-variant human is 9 RP.  
  • Standard Ancestry Traits: 1 RP
  • Defense Ancestry Traits: 3 RP
  • Feat and Skill Ancestry Traits: 2 RP
  • Senses Ancestry Traits: 1 RP
  • Other Ancestry Traits: 2 RP
  • Total: 9 RP
  See the Pathfinder SRD for more information.

See Also

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