Enlightened Ethnicity in Arda | World Anvil
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Stronger than their past

The Enlightened men are the long-lost descendants of Shadow worshipers who defected from the Shadow and refused to follow it into its extraplanar exile. Following a divine vision possessed by their first king, the "Dissenter", they wandered the Shifting Wastes until they found the green lands beyond the Wastes, which would become the Enlightened Kingdom. Aware of the damage caused by the Shadow, the former Shadow worshipers erected a barrier of mist to protect them from potentially vengeful neighbors until the time was right.   Time would pass, and their barrier held, discouraging entry to their shrouded kingdom. During that time, they would develop a unique culture that had been derived from the numerous ancestries of the former Shadow worshipers. They encouraged their descendants to remember their sacrifices and their past, and to keep fit to be ready for the day that either the Shadow or the other nations would find them.   Recently, the scholars and magicians of the Enlightened called the Magi, detected numerous entries into Arda from the Dragon's Domain. Knowing that the Shadow was making its move on Arda, the Enlightened have dropped their barrier, and sought to make allies with their neighbors to fight the Shadow.   Adventurers: The Enlightened were isolated by their mist barrier for generations, largely cutting off their access to new knowledge and trade with their neighbors. Now with the barrier gone, envoys, scholars, and Shadow-hunters known as "Watchers" have gone abroad to offer their services to aid the other nations from the threat the Shadow poses. While they are few, their sense of duty mixed with curiosity makes them natural fits as adventurers or even as Torch agents.   For more information on the Enlightened, see their main article: Enlightened Kingdom  

An Enlightened merchant inspects prospective wares.

Table of Contents

Standard Ancestry Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: The Enlightened men possess a strong force of will to match their honed bodies, but their long isolation has disconnected them from the other peoples of Arda. They gain +2 Charisma, +2 Dexterity or +2 Strength, and -2 Wisdom.
Base Speed: Enlightened have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Enlightened begin play speaking Enlightened Common. Enlightened with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Sylvan or Shadowspeak). See the Language in the Dragon's Domain page for more information about these languages.

Defense Ancestry Traits

Shadow Resistance: Enlightened have resistance 5 against spells and attacks by Shadow-aligned creatures.

Feat and Skill Ancestry Traits

Students of History: The Enlightened are well aware of their ancestor's past, and learned from their struggles to give them new strength. They gain a +2 to Knowledge (history) checks.
Domain Scholars: Their long history with the Shadow gave the Enlightened a glimpse into the Dragon's Domain that is known by few others. They gain a +2 to Knowledge (Planes).

Senses Ancestry Traits

Eyes of the Dragon: Enlightened can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.  

Offense Ancestry Traits

Apostasy Magic: While most Enlightened have severed their belief in the Shadow, its powers still flows through their veins. Enlightened add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against spells of the shadow subschool that they cast. Enlightened with a Charisma score of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities (the caster level is equal to the user’s character level):
1/day—ghost sound, pass without trace, ventriloquism    
A warrior from the Enlightened Kingdom.

RP Calculation

In order to keep potential new ancestries balanced, I used a "race point" calculator in an effort to create equitable ancestries. For comparison, a non-variant human is 9 RP.  
  • Standard Ancestry Traits: 1 RP
  • Defense Ancestry Traits: 1 RP
  • Feat and Skill Ancestry Traits: 4 RP
  • Senses Ancestry Traits: 1 RP
  • Offense Ancestry Traits: 2 RP
  • Total: 10 RP
  See the Pathfinder SRD for more information.

See Also

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