Dro’kaiith Language in Arcluminus | World Anvil
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Pronounced "Dih-row-kai–eeth". Common language of the Dro'zu. The nature of Dro'kaiith is that of hisses, pops and loud screeches. It was developed as a language that can also be used as a tool to scare off enemies of the Dro'zu. It rings off the caverns of the Darkchannels, emulating the sounds of strange and dangerous creatures while at the same time being a means of communication.
Common Phrases
Eschisssk'ah fehlisssa'r! (Death to the land walkers!)
Vissskat'ah Oo'rkinasssh vallla! (Our enemies shall serve us or perish!)
Common Female Names
Eeesh'o, Nala'kiiir, O'latta, Seyoo'rl'a
Common Male Names
Voresssh, Ita'kataa, Lllavohka, Messsiray'eh

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