The Church of Kolif'rem Organization in Archia | World Anvil
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The Church of Kolif'rem

The Church of Kolif'rem is the monotheistic religion that rules Escher alongside its monarchs and the Noble Assembly. It has a temple in every major city and maintains a shrine in most small towns as well. The temples are stacked with clerics, which are plentiful in Escher; paladins staff many of the Church's operations as well, but it isn't a very monastic religion--why would a devotee of Kolif'rem engage in martial combat when they could shoot you with a pistol forged with the holy fire provided by their god?   The Church of Kolif'rem encompasses three domains: Light, Order, and Forge. Light clerics make up most of the church leadership, while Order clerics work as enforcers of church law; forge clerics are responsible for invention and creation, building the nation's infrastructure and providing support to its brilliant inventors. Each major temple is overseen by an archcleric, usually but not always a Light cleric, known as the Lightbringer. A temple's Lightbringer is responsible for the temple's operation and maintaining the temple's eternal flame. The Lightbringer of the High Temple, located in Orbwick, is known as the Radiant. The church's current Radiant is a human woman named Josephine Scorch, a powerful and fanatical light cleric who was left at a temple doorstep as a baby and climbed the church ranks quickly, becoming the youngest ever Lightbringer at 16. She has been the Radiant for close to 40 years.   The Radiant, in addition to overseeing the High temple, is responsible for being the Church's representative at the High Council, meetings between the monarchy, the Noble Assembly, and the Church where Escher's governance is overseen. Each branch of Escher's government is given six seats at the table, but Radiant Scorch is known for bucking traditions by showing up to these meetings without the usual entourage of Lightbringers.
Religious, Organised Religion

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