Sir Argus Dane, Guardian of Taris Character in Archaeon | World Anvil
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Sir Argus Dane, Guardian of Taris

Sir Argus Dane

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sir Argus was in peak physical condition, having only sustained minor, curable injuries in his previous endeavors.

Special abilities

Sir Argus is able to channel the divine power of Bahamut while defending others from evil.

Specialized Equipment

Sir Argus wears gray plate armor consistent with his role as a knight of the Grey Tower, and also carries the sentient sword Dawn.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Arim began his time at the Grey Tower after he survived a dragon attack on a caravan he was escorting as a young man. There he began his training to become a Knight of the Tower, and met his future wife, Mira, and befriended Arim and the future Archmage, Makaria Therum. Argus and Mira had two children together, Cora and Tomas.

Gender Identity

Male- he/him/his




Sir Argus Dane trained at the Grey Tower for many years to become a knight. There, he was also educated in the history of Archaeon.


Argus began his training with the Order of the Grey Mages when he was a teenager. After he completed his training and was knighted, he served as a guard at archaeological dig sites around Archaeon. When he became a senior knight, he was put in charge of the security of several digs before he was assigned to Taris.

Mental Trauma

As a half-elf, Argus often has trouble finding welcoming communities outside of the Grey Tower.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sir Argus is well known for his bravery and compassion.

Personality Characteristics


Sir Argus does his best to maintain his equipment in the dusty conditions of the Reaches, but often forgets to maintain himself beyond the basic bath and a shave.

Wealth & Financial state

Sir Argus makes a reasonable income from his work, but most of it goes towards his savings or to his family.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sir Argus Dane, Knight of the Grey Tower and Guardian of Taris
Date of Birth
29. Ojar. 4171 4A
4171 4213 42 years old
Circumstances of Death
Argus Dane was slain by the Black Blade and the blue dragon Tarkus while defending the archaeological expedition at Tarys.
Current Residence
Dark brown and short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
149 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Elvish, and Sign
Character Prototype
Clark Kent

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