Priest Profession in Archaeon | World Anvil
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A priest must have gone through at least three years of training as an acolyte, which allows them to become familiar with the doctrines and rituals associated with their primary deity.

Career Progression

A priest typically begins their career as an acolyte before being ordained. Afterwards, they may progress up the ranks of their priesthood; the highest rank of most organizations is the high priest, who leads the group.

Payment & Reimbursement

Priests are typically paid with a portion of the local tithes to their temple, which most use for charitable activities. However, since larger populations lead to larger tithes, priests who work in urban areas typically have larger incomes than average as a result.

Other Benefits

Priests of well respected gods are typically held in high esteem by those who follow them. A priest is welcome in any temple of their deity, and is often welcome even in the temples of deities aligned with theirs. However, the opposite is true of those priests who worship gods held in less esteem.



Priests typically aid in performing the rituals surrounding thei deity, and often go among the people in order to provide guidance and blessings.

Social Status

Priests are normally held to be in the middle or upper stratum of society.



Priests typically posess a holy symbol representative of their patron deity, and often wear robes in their daily tasks.


Most priests carry healing kits and holy water with them, as well as implements specialized for the diety they follow.


While many priests work in temples, many wanswe Archaeon tending to those in need.

Provided Services

The specific services offered by priests vary, but most provide healing and blessings to those in need.
Alternative Names
Priests are a staple of most towns and cities.
The legal status of a priest largely depends upon the regard in which their deity is held, closely followed by the actions of the individual.
Related Locations

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