Argive Legions Military Formation in Archaeon | World Anvil
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Argive Legions



A legion has about 5,000 soldiers; roughly 4,800 of them are legionnaires, and the remaining 200 are prefects who serve in a support and logistical capacity.


Most legionnaires are equipped with studded leather or chain mail armor, with more specialized equipment assigned to legionnaires with more specialized tasks.


Most legionnaires are armed with swords, shields, and either crossbows or longbows.


Each squad is assigned a Mulo-class flyer for transport to and from the front and light air support. Oftentimes, legions are assigned squadrons of airships for escort and transport.


Each legion is commanded by a legate general, who has a a high tribune as their second in command, who commands the administrative tribunes. There are ten cohorts in a legion, each commanded by a first centurion. Each cohort has six centuries commanded by a centurion, and each century contains ten squads with eight legionnaires and a Mulo-class flyer for each squad. The chief prefect commands the 200 prefects that aid in the legion's day-to-day upkeep and operations.


Most legionnaires are trained to use mass-unit tactics and overwhelm their enemies by bringing their numbers to bear. A legion will prefer to fight in open spaces where they can be deployed from airships which can then provide air cover while the legion advances on the ground.


Logistical Support

Legions are typically transported by an Air Legion on several Signifier-class transports attached to the main force.


The legion is supported by 200 prefects commanded by the chief prefect who provide logistical support from the command down to the individual unit level.


Each legionnaire is paid 1 gp a day while not on combat duty, and also receives one days worth of rations daily that is worth 5 sp. Legionnaires in hazardous situations, such as combat, receive 2 gp per day of action. Not including the expenses of the leaders, an Argive legion costs about 12,500 gp a day while in combat, and 7,500 gp while on routine duties. The cots of rations can be significantly reduced if the legion is allowed to forage for food and has access to spellcasters.


The legion was founded to defend the settlements that would later become the Republic of Argos from conquest by the Skythians.

Historical loyalties

The legions of Argos are sworn to serve and defend the Senate and the citizens of the Republic, although all of the legionnaires of the Fifth Legion were declared traitors for standing against Rellia Arcturus and her coup.
4011 4A
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Ranks & Titles

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