Ullivian Species in Arcanverse | World Anvil
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  • Living both in and out of water is a big part of their culture and lifestyle.
  • Store oxygen in their blood like seals, and can spend 20-60 minutes underwater, depending on the level of activity required.
  • Smaller settlements will often take the form of villages or towns built on stilts and piers above water or at the water's edge.
  • Large settlements and cities will be built of stone brick directly in the water, half submerged, with the lower levels of buildings being submerged below the water while the upper levels are above the water's surface. Waterways take the place of roads, with travellers and goods being transported by boat through the waterways while the natives swim below them.
  • - Nictitating membrane eyes

    Basic Information


    Ullivian are a semi-aquatic species of bipedal mammals, their basic anatomy is humanoid, with a pair of legs and arms, however, their specific structure differs a lot from other humanoid species. Ullivian have an overall softer and more curved body, with slimmer shoulders and an extended spine with more/stronger back muscles, allowing for greater flexibility. They have lean muscled legs for swimming with their slightly elongated feet and webbed toes. Their hands have long lithe fingers with half-webbing between the thumb and first two fingers and then full webbing connected to the elongated pinky finger, as well as a membrane of webbing from the pinky finger down to the elbow that can be folded inwards against the arm. Their skin is soft and smooth in a variety of lustrous gleaming colours, like pale whites, greens and blues.
    Ullivian have less prominent brows and slightly high nostrils with a smooth nose bridge down from the forehead to the nostrils and a less protruding nose. Their eyes are slightly larger and more prominent than other humanoids, as well as being mono-coloured with no discernible pupil or iris. Their eyes are vivid and reflective and come in a range of vibrant colours, from oranges, yellows and greens, to blues and purples. Ullivan eyes will also change in vibrancy depending on their emotional state, either becoming more or less vivid. Ullivian have almost entirely hairless bodies except for their head of hair, with a range of vivid blonde, blue and green tones

    Ecology and Habitats

    As a semi-aquatic species, Ullivian live both on land and in the water, making settlements in either rivers and lakes, or shallow beeches and reefs, depending on if it's a saltwater or freshwater Ullivian settlement.
    Genetic Ancestor(s)
    Created by ???, based on humans.
    60 - 80 yrs.
    Average Height
    4'6" - 5'6"
    Average Weight
    60 - 80 kg
    Average Length
    4'10" - 5'10"
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    Ullivian skin comes in a range of pale whites, blues and greens, and is known for its lustrous sheen and smooth softness. Their hair comes in a similar range of vivid blondes, blues and greens, and their vivid eyes come in a variety of vibrant oranges, yellows, greens, blues or purples.
    Geographic Distribution

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