Nyrn Geographic Location in Arcanverse | World Anvil
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With a surface area as small as 458,823 square kilometres, Nyrn (or, as it's inhabitants call it, Erendor) is an extremely small moon of Nyrin. Completely its orbit of Nyrn every 8.002068 days, Nyrn follows a circular orbit path with a distance of 159,510 kilometres from Nyrin. Weighing in at a small 2.728 x 1021 (2,728,440,399,000,000,000,000) kilograms, Nyrn has a gravity of 4.9872 m/s2 which is equal to 0.5078 x Nyrin's gravity. Due to this low gravity, the average amount a human could jump on Nyrn is 0.9846 meters as opposed to the 0.5 metres of Nyrin (and Earth).


Nyrn is an extremely lush and humid moon full of tropical rainforests and wet swamps.
Alternative Name(s)
Planetoid / Moon
Location under

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