Faunen Species in Arcanverse | World Anvil
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Known as the "beast-cursed" or "beast-people", the Faunen are descendants of the original followers of the goddess Fauneirya, who, when she was cursed, were cursed alongside her to "become beasts". This curse transformed them into people with a variety of minor animal traits, such as animal ears, tails, antlers, sometimes fur, feathers and claws, depending on how strong the traces of the curse are exhibited in each individual. Many Faunen also gain some degree of physical prowess from the curse, depending on the specific animal that they have the traits of.

Basic Information


Torene are a species of bipedal primates very similar to Humans and other humanoids, albeit with more variance in build and size than most other humanoids. This is due to the variety of different sub-races of Faunen, each with the traits of a different animal species. The base appearance of Faunen is much like humans, except for the additional animal traits, such as animal ears, tails, eyes, claws, antlers, horns, fur or even feathers.

Genetics and Reproduction

Faunen, like their Human ancestors, reproduce sexually via pregnancy and live childbirth, however, the pregnancy rates and gestation period of Faunen varies a lot more differing between different animal sub-races, ranging anywhere from three to twelve months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Faunen base growth cycle takes after humans, however with a variety of slight differences depending on the sub-race.

Ecology and Habitats

As a species not originally created or evolved, Faunen had no natural place within the world, and were often ostracised due to being a "cursed" race. Due to this they tend to settle in locations isolated from larger societies, and eventually grew to form settlements in island nations or secluded valleys.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Many Faunen posess different enhanced senses, depending on the animal they take after, such as enhanced eyesight, sense of smell, hearing, or even the ability to see in the dark or use echolocation.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Descendants of the cursed followers of Fauneirya
60 - 80 yrs.
Average Height
4'8" - 6'4"
Average Weight
70 - 90 kg
Geographic Distribution

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