Deity Species in Arcanverse | World Anvil
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Deities are the non-corporeal beings that created most of the realms and, generally, originated from the Void of this reality. There are, however, exceptions to that, such as the sixteen Arkanians turned deities and the rare case of mortals sealing a deity in their physical form and then taking over said form, thereby stealing the deities power and becoming a deity themselves. Due to a deity's power in one or more attributes and them being the creators of most realms and the residing species the majority of sentient species worship, or hold reverence towards, one or more deities.

Basic Information


As a naturally non-corporeal being, deities are able to take whatever physical form they do desire, although most do have a preference for bipedal primate forms.

Growth Rate & Stages

As an immortal, non-corporeal entity, deities don't undergo stages of growth or life but instead simply come into existence at one point and continue their existence until death. As such any transformation that a deity might undergo would not be due to growth or stages of life, but rather by choice or by the will of another, more powerful being.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As non-corporeal entities deities naturally need a likewise non-corporeal source of energy and sustenance, prior to the deities leaving the Void this source of energy was of course aether, however, after the events of Creation deities obviously had to switch to using arcana as their source of energy and sustenance. Additionally, in the rare case of deities being born into the world via the belief of followers, the amount of belief placed in them by their followers will directly correlate to the strength of the deity, meaning that if the deity loses all of its followers they'll fade out of existence.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

As a non-corporeal species, deities take on whatever gender they so desire in the moment of creating their physical form, whether that be male, female, androgynous or even genderless. However, most deities will hold a preference for a specific gender, and it will be that gender that they most often use when taking a physical form.
Genetic Descendants

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