Arcadium History of Arcadium Timeline
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History of Arcadium

  • 1412

    The Establishment of Ménkăn in Nanjing

    Ménkăn was founded in Bao'ensi housed inside the Porcelain Tower of Nanjing on the banks of the Qinhuai River.   Please refer to the Establishment of Ménkăn

  • 1428

    The Establishment of Tezcatlitempan in Tenochtitlan

    Tezcatlitempan is founded within the city walls of Tenochtitlan when a portal appears to the Realm of Mystery.   For the full history please refer to the Establishment of Tezcatlitempan.

  • 1450

    The Establishment of Urca Pacha in Machu Picchu

    Urca Pacha is established upon the mountainside in Peru following the discovery of a Portal to the Realm of Magic.   For the full history please refer to the Establishment of Urca Pacha.

  • 1470

    The Establishment of Agnieten in Amsterdam

    Agnieten is founded in Amsterdam. Please refer to the Establishment of Agnieten for the full history.

  • 1475

    The Establishment of Stalhof in London

    Stalhof or the "Steelyard" is founded in London.   For the full history please refer to the Establishment of Stalhof.

  • 1475

    The Establishment of the Order of Arcadium

    Since the middle of the 19th century, Arcadium historians have sought to piece together the origins of the Order in a series documents known as the Oud Eeds, dating from the Athenaeum Illustre Articles written in around 1544 to the beginning of the 18th century.   The Oud Eeds allude to the history of membership of adventurers, the duties of each rank, and the manner in which oaths of allegiance were taken upon joining.   There are multiple accounts of the history of the establishment of Arcadium but most include the following four guilds which became the founding Member Chapters of the Order of Arcadium:Agnieten in Amsterdam, Ménkăn in Nanjing in the Qing Empire, Tezcatlitempan in Tenochtitlan of the Aztec Empire and Urca Pacha in Machu Picchu of the Inca Empire. In some accounts the fifth founding Chapter is considered as Stalhof in England however may consider this Chapter to simply be an offshoot of the Agnieten Chapter at the time.   For the first 17 years of the Order of Arcadium, the Chapters resembled more of a broad alliance until 1492 and the adoption of the Fundamental Orders of Arcadium.

  • 1492

    The Adoption of the Fundamental Orders of Arcadium
    Diplomatic action

    The five Chapters of the Order of Arcadium formalise their alliance with the adoption of the Fundamental Orders of Arcadium.

  • 1560


    The Witch Trials (1560–1630)
    Criminal Activity

    In 1486, nine years after the founding of Arcadium, the Malleus Maleficarum is published by Henrich Kramer (latinised: Henricus Institor). The fear of witchcraft is largely in response to increased activity of the Order of Arcadium in these regions. The rising fear of magic and witchcraft in the late 15th century and 16th century in Europe and the Americas is attributed to the increased activity of the Order of Arcadium in these regions and the mismanagement of artefacts, particularly in the early European Chapters.   The period of the Witch Trials, with the largest number of fatalities, occurred between 1560 and 1630. Mass witch trials take place in Europe in waves between the 1560s and the 1620s and result in hundreds of executions of all genders, ages and classes. These included the Trier witch trials (1581–1593), the Fulda witch trials (1603–1606), the Basque witch trials (1609–1611), the Würzburg witch trial (1626–1631), and the Bamberg witch trials (1626–1631).

  • 1599

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    Founding of the East India Company

    On 22 September 1599, Roger Owfield CAO joins with a group of merchants in London and states their intention "to venture in the pretended voyage to the East Indies (the which it may please the Lord to prosper), and the sums that they will adventure", committing £30,133 (over £4,000,000 in today's money). Roger commits £300 to the adventure.     Two days later, "the Adventurers" reconvened and resolved to apply to the Queen for support of the project. Although their first attempt had not been completely successful, they nonetheless sought the Queen's unofficial approval to continue. They bought ships for their venture and increased their capital to £68,373.  

    Sept. 24. 256. Minutes of a meeting of the Adventurers in the intended voyage the East Indies. Resolution to apply to the Queen for her royal assent to an intended project, "for the honour of our native country and for the advancement of trade of merchandise within this realm of England to set forth a voyage this present year to the East Indies and other the islands and countries thereabouts," to make trade by the sale of commodities to be hereafter provided, or otherwise by buying or bartering of such goods, wares, jewels, or merchandise as those islands or countries may yield. Rules for preparation of the voyage: no ship to be received as the stock of any adventurer; all shipping to be employed, to be bought for ready money only; no commodity to be accepted as any man's portion of adventure, but all merchandise to be purchased by a committee of directors; fifteen persons named "Committees or Directors" to manage, order, and direct the affairs of this voyage, and concerning the suit to be made to the Queen for sole privilege to be granted to the adventurers for so many years as can be obtained, and for such immunities and freedom of customs as may be gotten.
      The Adventurers convened again a year later, on 31 December 1600, and this time they succeeded; the Queen granted a Royal Charter to "George, Earl of Cumberland, and 215 Knights, Aldermen, and Burgesses" under the name, Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies.   The East India Company goes on to be an important ally to the Order of Arcadium whose members use the ships of the East India Company to voyage to other Chapters around the world.

  • 1620

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    The Theft of the Faithless and the Losian Treasures
    Criminal Activity

    The Theft of the Faithless and the Losian Treasures took place in June of 1620. It is by far the largest theft from the Arcadium Archives and most significant criminal even in the organisation's history. Thieves stole a significant number of the artefacts, which came to be known as the Losian Treasures.   It took place from the Dutch Chapter of Arcadium in Amsterdam during the fortnight of 6 June 1620. No suspects were ever found and all the treasures remain unrecovered.  


      Following the Theft of the Faithless, the Arcadium Archives were split into the Secret Collection and the Arcadium Archives. Access to the Secret Collection is restricted to the highest members of the Order and the catalogue of items it contains is undisclosed.

  • 1620

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    The Absondern Edict

    In response to the Witch Trials occurring across Europe, on 11 November 1620, Grand Master Alexander Knight issues the Absondern Edict and the Order of Arcadium is directed to conceal all of its activities; to safeguard its members, the artefacts of Arcadium and to hide its presence from the world at large.   Following the Order of Arcadium going underground and the swift concealment of all of the artefacts from beyond the portals, by 1630, the worst of the Witch Trials are over.

    More reading
    The Absondern Edict
  • 1622

    The Reformation of the Archives

    In 1622, Grand Master Humphrey Chetham undertakes the Reformation of the Arcadium Archives. His predecessor, Grand Master Alexander Knight, had begun in 1620 an inquisition following the Theft of the Faithless but it was not completed until after his disappearance by Grand Master H. Chetham in 1622.   While the results of the inquisition do not find a suspect in the Theft of the Faithless, the Arcadium Archives are reformed and divided into the Archives and the Secret Collection.   Access to the Secret Collection is restricted to the highest members of the Order and the catalogue of items it contains is undisclosed.

  • 2020

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    The Establishment of Arcadium Adventures in Brisbane

    Arcadium Adventures, the Brisbane Chapter of the Order of Arcadium is founded at 97 Wickham Terrace, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.