Pyrestone Material in Arborvale | World Anvil
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Rare and valuable, both magically and alchemically potent, pyrestone is something people will, and have, killed for. A bomb crafted from powdered pyredust, its powdered derivative, is capable of detonations ten times its usual size. Native to the plane of fire, with pockets appearing throughout the Sultanates, it is not uncommon to see armed conflict break out over the discovery of new veins.


Material Characteristics

Pyrestone is similar to obsidian in appearance with a slight translucence, and a fiery glow that shifts and courses through it. When powdered, its look is that of a rougher gunpowder. Small flashes of light can be seen in it here and there, akin to fading embers.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Pyrestone is highly conducive to magical alchemical blends and enchanting processes. When powdered, it becomes extremely explosive. A small handful of pyredust can detonate simply from solid impact; many a would-saboteur or careless scholar has the wounds to prove its volatility. Pyrestone, as well as pyredust, radiates heat at all times, with even a fist sized rock capable of burning at a touch.


Despite still being a highly experimental substance, pyrestone is heavily coveted. A few reliable uses for it have been discovered, namely forms of weaponry. Flamebreath and flamecloak potions both are enhanced greatly by it, as are fire based enchantments. On the more practical side, it makes for incredibly powerful explosives, and there are rumors of new, horrible ammunitions being tested.

Geology & Geography

Pyrestone comes almost exclusively to its native plane of fire, with the rare pocket popping up among the Sultanates. It has been observed in extreme locales such as volcanoes or deep caverns, but these are at best anomalies.
Given its intense heat, it can be assumed that very few know how Pyrestone tastes.
Common State
Outside of its native plane, pyrestone usually only appears in small to middling veins and pieces. Due to its nature, harvesting is a long and arduous process, as it cannot be mined by traditional means.

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