Ghostmire Geographic Location in Arborvale | World Anvil
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Of all the Arborvale Concord's domains, the lands known as Ghostmire are the only ones that even approach the Augurweald in terms of general fear and superstition. Miles upon miles of gray wetland stretch over each other, home to legions of travelers and soldiers lost within its grasp. Many of these can still be seen, wandering the wetlands by night and giving the region its name. Travel through Ghostmire is avoided unless completely necessary by nearly everyone, except for the local residents. Ruled by the elegant and mercenary Blackmoore family, it has ironically managed to achieve some status as an economic power via trade and its hired swords.  

How the mire came to its present state is uncertain. It is known as the site of a great battle lost to time, and a trap for many travelers attempting a quicker route to the sea. But even for so many lives lost, the sheer number of spirits populating it is highly abnormal, and has been the subject of much study by scholars across the plane. Magic seems to permeate the entirety of the region, though whether from the land itself or some undiscovered source within in remains unclear. The wandering spirits move in paths that are indiscernible to unseasoned travelers; natives to the region, as well as the Blackmoores, keep exacting maps of the paths the spirits take, allowing them to navigate with relative ease. Local guides are a necessity to those seeking to travel the mire.


Due to its nature, Ghostmire naturally raises exceptional survivalists and mercenaries. Lampwalkers, as they are known, exist almost exclusively in the employ of the Blackmoore family. They traverse the region in small groups, guarding trade shipments and travelers, as well as protecting the interests of the Blackmoores. Taking their name from the enchanted lantern each carries at their belt, and the insignia of the Blackmoore family, their experience in combating the undead and navigating hostile terrain makes them highly valued mercenaries.

Wetland / Swamp
Owning Organization

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