Akhenite Burial Temples Building / Landmark in Arborvale | World Anvil
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Akhenite Burial Temples

Akhenite tombs serve a dual function, providing both a resting place for the dead and a conduit to the gods. Each tomb is blessed, enchanted, and warded by Khonset priests and scholars in preparation for burial. The tomb is given all the same consecrations and rites as any other temple, to ensure safe passage of the soul of the deceased to the gods of the Khonset faith. Given the Khonset beliefs of cyclical life, burial is viewed more as an interim than an end. Tombs are both a sanctuary for the deceased, connecting them to the gods, and meant to honor the gods as well. While most know the basics of a tomb's construction and the burial rites, the secrets and rituals of the most inner room are known only to the priests themselves.   Akhenite tombs are laden with magical items and riches, and equally equipped with myriad deadly defenses against would be tomb raiders.

Contents & Furnishings

Though the entirety of each tomb is well furnished, the truly richest of items reside in the central room, with the buried. Many of these are holy relics and items of personal importance, providing safety for the soul as well as helping it to maintain its identity. Each tomb has a life-size statue, (sometimes larger) of the deceased. This statue is, in actuality, a latent vessel, lest the buried's soul need to seek refuge or be forced out of the afterlife. It is not uncommon for those richer and more influential individuals to be accompanied in death by their most devoted guards, with their own attendant vessels above their entombments.

Hazards & Traps

Akhenite people are well aware of the allure of an empty tomb filled with treasures, many of which are magic. Tombs are built with a variety of traps accordingly; dead ends, false floors, and rigged doors abound.

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