Bambi Character in Arboria | World Anvil
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Race Warforged/Automaton
Height 6'
Weight 300 lbs
Hair None
Eyes Glowing Purple
Ethnicity N/A
Class Levels Warlock 7 (Air Genie)
Bambi was the name of Surin's artificery cannon. When the Fortune's Favor Crew fled the Koryo Dreadnaught, Bambi was left behind along with Ka-Rin. Living for ~2 weeks in the reactor room of the dreadnaught, Bambi seemed to rapidly develop sentience. Her personality is still relatively limited, mostly limiting herself to whirrs and onomatopoeia for agreement, disagreement, etc, her combat and utilitarian abilities are unmatched.   Bambi is able to transport their essence, as well as that of nearby sentient beings into an extradimensional space represented by a glowing core. Normally, this core is located approximately where a human's heart would be, glowing within the chassis. Bambi's extradimensional space globe has been affectionately referred to as the pokeball.   Recently, she has undertaken the challenge of retraining a Koryo Wyvern which was captured during the Liberation of Lu Jing. The Wyvern, Bubblegum, has since been trained enough to allow itself to be stored within Bambi's pokeball, provided it's given enough food to stay happy.

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