Zafros Character in Aralyon | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Zaphros, Intyx, Ibobet)

Divine Domains

Void and Death   His domain is Void magic, the opposite of Xanka, but still a type of powerful energy itself, pulling the life from things to empower oneself. Also guides the dead to one side or the other. Curses the Spirits that turn into Demons Once a year, the graves of the dead are decorated with incense, flowers, hides, or weapons, or other items pertaining to the culture. Burying a gift of animals bones and praying is to ask for the safe passage of souls to the other side.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A spiral with a purple gem inset


Day of Zafros - on the Zafrera closest to the winter solstice, a day of the dead celebration, the graves of the dead are decorated with incense, flowers, hides, or weapons, or other items pertaining to the culture

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

His robes are so dark they almost look like a hole in reality.


Contacts & Relations

In Zhekhei culture, he is referred to as Ibobet.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The All-Feared
  • He Who Shadows
  • The Empty King
black, pupil-less
Black, shifting
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark blue-purple, veined with purple and black shocks of light

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