Neprehiri ni Esraum Character in Aralyon | World Anvil
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Neprehiri ni Esraum

(a.k.a. Nuinie'lypso, Uyuante)

Divine Domains

Stars, Planets, and Celestial Bodies   Arranges the constellations and monitors the rotation of the planets Grants light in dark places Drinking spring water atop of your roof at night is a way of asking to be protected from evil and Demons   Associated with destiny in many parts of Márum-og.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A large circle surrounded by smaller circles atop many stars


Feast of Luminescence - a popular holiday, even for those that are not particularly religious. Involves the eating of food that has magical properties and takes place at night by only the light of the night sky. When the holiday is being held, the goddess intensifies the brightness of the night sky for everyone to see better.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sometimes takes the form of a single bead of light.

Identifying Characteristics

Among her skin is patterns of shifting stars and constellations.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears simple indigo robes.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Endless Expanse
  • The Far-Seeing
  • Keeper of Constellations
  • The Sparkled Ruler
Dark and swirl like the cosmos
long, nearly clear, speckled with galaxies
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark tanned

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