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Halin Burrows

If not Halineri, one might find themselves feeling constricted or crushed in Halin Burrows, but the wood nymphs enjoy passing through the tunnels and the earth they're made out of as if it were air.

Purpose / Function

The Halineri, being a very peaceful people and few in number, find protection from enemies underground. The wood nymphs do have the ability to merge with trees to hide, but because that can't last forever, Halineri villages carve out their residences underground with their powers over nature.   These burrows are made deep enough under the dirt that simply digging for a day isn't enough to intrude. The burrows are only for housing; any businesses or official matters are all conducted above ground. However, even the leaders of the villages live beneath with everyone else, not showing any special treatment other than having a particular room designated for them.


Once Halineri villages began getting more visitors that came in goodwill, village leaders began to suggest secret entrances into their homes to be able to offer hospitality to friendly travelers. The tunnels were expanded to open beneath some of the larger trees in town, and the trees themselves were hollowed out and fitted with foot holds and hidden doorways to allow non-nymphs to go inside the homes.


Made from densely packed and smooth earth. Each Halineri family has a room to itself dug out from the tunnels, and although privacy isn't a huge factor for these residences, the openings to each room are covered with something unique to the family: a blanket of lichen harvested from a tree, a quilt made by one of the family, etc.   Beds are holes dug into to floor and lined with blankets, straw, and/or feathers. Some of the more adventurous wood nymphs like to sleep outside in the branches of trees, but more often than not, the protection the underground Burrows offer is more enticing than a view of the stars.

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