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Aragnal Academy

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Ah shit, here we go again.   Given the choice, everyone at Aragnal Academy would rather be anywhere else. The professors would rather be at a more prestigious school, one with better funding and an abundance of amenities, but also one where their tenure track still holds sway. The students would rather be with studying with their friends, no doubt scattered across the country in schools with infinitely better reputations- or, better yet, getting jobs in their career fields.   But not everyone gets to live their dream life, and the world needs a place like Aragnal: maybe a stepping stone to a brighter future, maybe a purgatory to languish in until entropy claims its win, maybe the only thing cushioning a fall to rock bottom.   It's not all bad. The theatre community, the only positive thing Aragnal Academy is known for, flourishes. In recent years an eSports scene has developed: turns out a bunch of unemployable students without any motivation to study were exactly what was needed to light the first sparks of school spirit. And when in doubt, being stuck in a hole with a bunch of other losers tends to foster camaraderie. Well, that, or pure hatred.

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