Sparkling Archipelago Geographic Location in Aradonia | World Anvil
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Sparkling Archipelago

A chain of Islands dotting the ocean South-East of the main continent of Aradonia, the Sparkling Archipelago is home to a large concentration of Tortle's.   With waters as blue as a Tundraman's eyes, it is a beauitful sight to admire. If it weren't for the constant back-and-forth warfare between the two Tortle civilisations, the Islands would make a wonderful tourist destination.   But with the largest concentration of sheltered reefs in all of Aradonia, the Tortle's vie for control of the vital birthing areas for their young. As such, the Sparkling Archipelago is zone of much strife, with shipwrecks dotting the sea bed all throughout the glittering waters.
Alternative Name(s)
Tortle Islands
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