Dragonborn Species in Aradonia | World Anvil
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A race of humanoids with dragon-like features, extended muzzles of a lizard, a scaled hide, a non-prehensile tail and the capability to breathe different substances.   The Dragonborn didn't always resemble a Dragon, in fact being a sapient species that more resembled Humans. Long ago, they were a people that was closely associated with the local Dragons, often trading and helping one another. However, due to an event lost to history, a powerful Green placed a curse upon the race whom it believed had disastrously betrayed its kin.   The curse tarnished their bloodline, turning future children into a mutation that resembled that of the creatures they betrayed, forever reminding the betrayers of their treachery. The mutation had an added side effect. The newly made Dragonborn found that they could no longer grasp at The Weave, the essence of all magic within the world. Due to this, Dragonborn mages quickly became a thing of legend, the entire race unable to harness the magics that they once flourished with.   Over the centuries, the Dragonborn learned to adapt to a world without magic and turned to a source of power that wouldn't elude them; science. The Dragonborn of today are an industrious and technologically advanced peoples, being the creators of such marvels like firearms and electricity. They however jealously covet their inventions, believing that their technology is the only barrier preventing the magically inclined races of Aradonia, from wiping them out.   Dragonborn take on different colouration at birth, certain traits often taking dominance over others, depending on colour. The Dragonborn tend to divide themselves into different sects within their society, based on the colouring of their scales and by extension their abilities. Examples being Black Dragonborn being associated with the warrior caste or Red Dragonborn being the cities smiths and labourers.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dragonborn tend to be one of a handful different scale colourations and are sorted into a caste system, separated by type.  


Typically gifted with more cunning than the average Dragonborn, the Greens are sorted into the "Shadow Caste"; dedicated spies, assassins and informants.  


Black scaled Dragonborn are commonly born bigger and tougher than their counterparts, sorted into the "War Caste"; Soldiers and fighters, protectors and conquerors for their city.  


Red scaled Dragonborn have the distinct advantage of being more resilient to heat and fire than their brethren, making them perfectly suited for the rigours of the forge. Reds are normally sorted into the "Craft Caste"; Builders, Smiths, Tinkerers, the Craft Caste creates most of the day-to-day resources for the city.  

Gold and Silver

Though possibly nothing more than a superstition, Gold and Silver scaled Dragonborn are believed to be natural wealth bringers. They do seem to have an uncanny ability to acquire the right deals and trades to make a profit, however. Gold and Silver Dragonborn are sorted into the "Service Caste"; Merchants, Diplomats, Politicians and Traders with the Golds leaning towards wealth and Silvers toward influence.  


Blues are a rarer colour amongst the Dragonborn and highly coveted, more often than not having some of the most creative and vast intellects amongst their kind. Blue scaled Dragonborn are sorted into the revered "Discovery Caste"; The inventors, scientists and free thinkers of their society, involved in much of the technological advancement of the race as a whole.  


White scaled Dragonborn or "Neutral" Dragonborn are those that weren't blessed with a purpose within society. Viewed as the unfortunates and shunned somewhat within their kind, White Dragonborn tend to take up the more menial tasks within the city, making up a large portion of the "Worker Caste"; General labourers and assistants, working to help the important tasks of the other Castes. Predominantly White scaled Dragonborn and other colours that weren't able to perform adequately within their assigned Caste.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

There are two major bastions of Dragonborn civilisation within Aradonia; The Novocheshi Alliance and the Kingdom of Kalgath. There are also pockets of other Dragonborn populations, not affiliated with either of those but are less technologically advanced.

Average Technological Level

The Dragonborn are easily the most technologically advanced group within Aradonia, having to compensate for their lack of magical ability.   They have created the first forms of self regulating energy in the form of massive steam engines that power their cities and war machines. Electricity lights their dark underground strongholds and gunpowder clears tunnels to dig ever deeper into the mountains they call home.   Much of the Tortle weaponry is designed and crafted by the Dragonborn, traded for the precious sand that is so abundant within the Sparkling Archipelago.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

"With their last breath"

It is an important custom for those Dragonborn that handle any kind of technology created by their city, to always have their "breath" ready for use at a moments notice. In the case that such technology is to be lost or taken, they are to expend their breath and destroy or tarnish the item/s as much as possible to prevent it being recreated by their enemies. It is because of this, that many Dragonborn will go much of their life barely making use of their natural ability, many of the War Caste only doing so as they die to destroy their weapons.

Common Taboos

The unregulated sharing of any information pertaining to the Dragonborn technological discoveries, is highly forbidden and is punishable by a very harsh and slow death.   An even worse fate awaits those that attempt to steal this information for themselves, the act even going so far as to cause war between the offending party.
Most Dragonborn live to be up to 60-80 years depending on their profession, with miners and labourers generally living shorter spans than merchants.
Average Height
6.0" - 6.5" for both genders.
Average Weight
120 - 140 Kg's for Males. 100 - 120 Kg's for Females.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dragonborn are born with varying colours in scales: Red, Green, Black, Blue, Gold, Silver or White. These can be somewhat predicted depending on the parents, with two Red parents likely to produce red offspring, but is not guaranteed.

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