Aarakocra Species in Aradia | World Anvil
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Aarakocra (æ-ra-KO-kra)

The aarakocra, also known as birdfolk or feather knights, are a race of sentient, bird-like humanoids that inhabit the cliffs and highest peaks of mountains throughout Aradia. The largest population of aaracokra are believed to reside in the Dragonspire Peaks mountain range, which is also believed to be where they originally settled following their appearance on the mortal plane several centuries ago.   Aarakocra are a militaristic, tribal people that are ruled by a meritocracy within their tribes. Descended from the warrior bird-folk of the Elemental Plane of Air, they believe it is their highest duty and calling as a people to defend the material plane from incursions from their homeland, thus they master the art of battle at a young age. Relatively few are born with innate magic abilities and even those that are tend to master a weapon art as well as part of their development.   They are a deeply spiritual people. Their ancestors were once led and commanded by a great elemental being called Aviva, the Reign of Thunder, who resides in the Elemental Plane of Air. It was by her order that the aarakocra descended to the material plane to fight Leonidas, and it was by her order that some stayed, becoming the aarakocra of today. Though none have seen her for many centuries now - for thousands of generations of aarakocra - they continue to follow her commands and believe that she speaks to them through the wind. When aarakocra die, their spirits return to the Elemental Plane of Air and become feathers in Aviva's vast wings, with their souls ascending to the afterlife to revel in the glory of their exploits.

Basic Information


Though aarakocra have, on occasion, been mistaken for large birds of prey when viewed from the ground, they are actually humanoid in their morphology. An average aarakocra is about 5 feet tall and has a wingspan of 20 feet when fully expanded. The wings expand from the aarakocra's scapulas and upper ribcage, thus taking up the majority of their back. Though it is believed that early aarakocra settlers had arms that extended out of their wings and no opposable thumbs, years of evolution have allows them to separate, allowing the birdfolk to simultaneously fly and hold items. While they still only have four fingers on each hand, the fourth claw, which was formerly on the back, developed into an opposable thumb. The legs of an aarakocra remain largely bird-like, with four sharp talons that are often used for self-defense and hunting in lieu of weaponry. Like many birds, aarakocra have hollow bones, thus remaining light-weight enough to fly despite the impressive physique of some of them.

Biological Traits

Aarakocra come in a variety of feather colorations and wing configurations, which often times mimic birds found on the mortal plane. Most are similar in appearance to various birds of prey - hawks, eagles, owls, and falcons - though other variations, such as peacocks, hummingbirds, and doves. It is believed that the similarities with birds are entirely a result of exposure of elemental beings to the mortal plane. It is currently unknown whether these have any function in aarakocra society at present.

Growth Rate & Stages

Baby aarakocra hatch from their egg after roughly four months of incubation. On hatching, they are covered in soft feathers and are yet unable to fly until they reach their first year of life. As aarakocra mate during the same time each year, the eggs are laid and hatched at roughly the same time, and the hatchlings are watched over by the Matrons - older females that have shown proclivity for raising young. Over the course of the first 3 years of their life, the hatchlings are taught the way of their people and, once their wings have developed for flight, educated in the way of aerial and land combat. Around 3 years of age, when the last of their baby feathers have been shed and replaced by tougher adult feathers, the hatchlings are at last considered adults and join the ranks of the warriors of their tribe. Though the ancestors of the aarakocra were believed to live up to 100 years in their native habitat, the current-day aarakocra live only about 30 years, with 20-25 being most common. Due to the shortness of their lifespan, they mature quickly and are able to produce viable offspring by age 5. Elderly aarakocra rarely leave service and most continue to fight and stand vigil alongside their younger brethren, though a particularly wise elderly individual may be asked to become the tribe's advisor.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Aarakocra are a tribal people that give in groups of 15 to 35 individuals. They nest in groups along the mountains, inhabiting large caves as nesting grounds and meeting halls. They do not build cities or construct buildings like most other sentient races do, but rather utilize the structures given to them by nature. Each tribe is led by a Chief, which is determined by strength and achievement and not succession. When the last Chief dies, a new one is selected among the strongest warriors with a set of challenges aimed to test skill, wits, and brawn alike, for the aarakocra believe that a true commander will have all three enough for the entire tribe. Everyone, men and women, is taught the art of combat from a young age and expected to participate in hunts and defending the mortal plane. Rank is determined by achievement in battle and any rank - including the Chief - can be challenged and taken over by an individual that proves themselves superior. The only exception to this are the Matrons - a small group of 2-3 aarakocra selected for their ability to raise and educate the young. The Matrons are typically female, though males participate in military education as well.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The majority of aarakocra reside at high altitudes along the mountains of Aradia, typically nesting far above the visual range of most creatures. Many of these live in the Dragonspire Peaks, though this is not the only place they can be found. They prefer high altitudes, however small aarakocra populations have been noted to live along seaside cliffs and even in forests that house particularly tall or wide trees.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The aarakocra language is based on clicks, sharp thrills, and whistles, thus making their true names very difficult for other races to comprehend. When communicating with outsiders, they tend to abbreviate their true names to the shortest possible collection of sounds. These commonly have up to four syllables and contain long vowels and sharp consonants. Aarakocra also eagerly adapt nicknames from their non-aarakocra companions in replacement of a name.   Examples of aarakocra include: Aera, Aial, Aur, Deekek, Errk, Heehk, Ikki, Kleeck, Oorr, Ouss, Quaf, Quierk, Salleek, Urreek, or Zeed.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Aarakocra have their own language, aptly called Aarakocran, which is unique to their anatomy and consists of clicks, sharp thrills, and whistles. This language is very difficult for other species to replicate and is the most commonly used language between aarakocra. It is used for casual conversation between friends, family members, and clan members. For formal occasions, aarakocra use Auran, the variation of Primordial unique to the natives of the Elemental Plane of Air. All-tongue (Common) is not frequently used and thus rarely known by aarakocra, though there are typically at least a few individuals in a clan that have the basic ability to speak and understand it.

Common Dress Code

Aarakocra frequently use face and wing paints to represent their rank and clan affiliation, though more elaborate designs are reserved for events (such as births, funerals, etc) and large-scale battles. In every-day affairs, most aarakocra are content to wear no paint at all, or use simple stripes or circles to show their allegiance to a family or position. The following are the most commonly used colors, though specific customs vary with clan and location:  
  • Red paints are used for occasions that involve love, both platonic and romantic. As marriages among aarakocra are not uniquely based on romantic love, it is well-accepted for two best friends to get married to declare their friendship, red paint is worn on both dates and during hangouts between particularly close friends.
  • Yellow paints are worn by children to signify that they have not reached adulthood and achieved their adult feathers. Children are the only ones who wear paints consistently day after day, and one is only considered an adult when the last of their yellow-dyed feathers falls out and is replaced.
  • Green paints are worn into large-scale battles, with patterns determining the allocation of the individual and their family affiliation. These designs tend to be more complex than others, as they are used to identify fallen soldiers (or what remains of them) in the aftermath.
  • Blue paints are worn on hunts and expeditions. Typically limited to a swipe on the beak or the back, it is done by a family member, friend, or loved one before the individual sets out, as a sign of good luck.
  • Purple paints are worn by clan leaders, military leaders, and their successors. Typically only worn at events and during gatherings of the aarakocra leaders, as most members of a particular clan would be able to recognize their generals and leaders on-sight without the paint.
  • White paints are used for sending off the dead. Both the deceased and members of the grieving family wear white paint during the departure ceremony, and the family members continue to wear it for three weeks following it.
  Aarakocra do not commonly wear clothing, as it is difficult fitting cloth around their wings and tails. Belts and backpacks are still used by those who travel far from home, and some travelling aarakocra may obtain especially fitted human clothing to fit in a little better among their new surroundings. Instead, aarakocra put a lot of importance in their plumage. They are fastidious about their plumage and frequently tend to their feathers.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Aarakocra are very particular about their feathers and the state of their plumage. They molt their feathers at various times of the year and spread their lost feathers in the strong winds for good luck. It is believed that the winds will always bring the feathers to the aarakocra's homeland, to let their clan know that they are okay when on a long journey. When two aarakocra battle, it is customary for the victor to pluck out a feather from the loser's wings as a sign of their superiority. These feathers are often kept as decorations on the aarakocra's person or in their nest and can be used to present to their chosen mate during courting if desired. Because of this, the highest sign of respect, friendship, and love (romantic or platonic) that an aarakocra can give is to pluck out one of their own feathers and give it to another.


Aarakocra are believed to originate from the Elemental Plane of Air, their ancestors having crossed over to the material plane following the weakening of the veil during the collapse of the Tower of Beginning. These ancestors were in pursuit of a great elemental being from their plane, later called Leonidas of the Four Winds, however when they arrived at the mortal plane, they found it rife with dangers. For years afterwards, as the extraplanar energies ravaged the lands, the aarakocra stood as defenders against the threats that flew in from the Elemental Plane of Air. In time, many folk stories were born of winged knights that descended the mountains to battle the great winds and keep people safe. These stories were passed down generation after generation among those who lived in regions surrounding the mountains, for many years past the birdfolk's last sighting.   Eventually, the plane stabilized and the greatest threats were vanquished. However, the greatest enemy of the aarakocra, Leonidas, remained trapped on the mortal plane, and the tears in the barrier between this plane and the Elemental Plane of Air remained. Many of the aarakocra legions used these rifts to return to their native plane, but a regiment remained on the material plane to watch over the weakened barrier between the planes in order to prevent another incursion. Over the years, they adapted to their new surroundings and multiplied, spreading out to the mountain peaks throughout Aradia.   At some point during this adaptation, two unique kinds of birdfolk branched off from Aarakocra: the kenku and the owlin. Though it is little known exactly how these unique races came to be, it is believed that owlin were aarakocra that rebelled against their orders to guard the mortal plane and attempted to go home. In the process, however, they got trapped in the Intermediate Space and eventually ended up in the Feywild. Exposed to the vast and unstable magic of that plane, they underwent a series of mutations that slowly changed their appearance and infused them with natural magic. Where exactly kenku came from is a mystery, though some myths speak of a group of aarakocra that angered a god through their pride and arrogance and was consequently robbed of both their ability to fly and their voice. Having lost their ability to return home and do their duty, these wingless birds receded underground, stalking through the Endless Dark until their feathers turned black. Aarakocra use the kenku to teach their younglings the dangers of placing one's self before the mission and the clan, though few aarakocra survive an encounter with the kenku and thus few have ever seen one in person.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Aarakocra live at incredibly high altitudes and rarely descend low enough to interact with the majority of the world's populations. Some mountainous villages have legends depicting bird-like warriors that protected them in times past, and some even leave out offerings to the aarakocra up in the mountains.   The aarakocra have a close cooperative relationship with the goliath, a race of powerfully build humanoids that descended from earth elementals and also inhabit the mountain ranges, though at lower altitudes than the aarakocra themselves. They share hunting grounds and a similar outlook to their cause of protecting the material plane, as well as worshipping the spirits of nature as part of their religion. These similarities have caused goliath and aarakocra tribes to agree to mutually beneficial alliances. It is not altogether uncommon for a goliath to hunt together with an aarakocra when the prey is dangerous enough to require a double assault.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
30 years
Average Height
~5 ft
Average Weight
80 lbs to 100 lbs

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